来源: 环球网校 2010-02-24 23:55:02 频道: 新概念英语

  Spanish newspaper AVUI reported Saturday that police in the southern Spanish cities of Malaga and Cadiz have cracked a prostitution ring comprising hundreds of prostitutes from Eastern Europe, but the identity of the boss was the biggest surprise。

  The newspaper reported that several bars registered to a woman named Rocio Galán were all engaged in the sex trade. But further investigation by police found that the real boss was not the woman, but her boyfriend, José Ortega, a very popular bullfighter in Spain. The pair even appeared two weeks ago on cover of Hola! magazine。

  Police also said they found that Ortega was not only operating the prostitution ring, but that he was also taking advantage of his fame to collude with politicians in illegal land deals, controlling up to 50 million euros ($68 million) in real estate。

  The illegal operations have been halted, police said, and the bullfighter faces trial。


  该报称,一名叫罗西•格兰的女子名下注册六七家酒吧,这些酒吧都从事色情生意。随着深入调查,警方发现,真正的老板并不是该女子,而是她的男友 ———霍塞•奥特加。霍塞是西班牙极有人气的斗牛士。两周前,这两人的照片还登上过一个名为《你好》的杂志封面。警方后来发现,霍塞不仅经营卖淫集团,还利用自己的名气和一些政要勾结非法买地圈地,控制着高达5000万欧元的地产。报道称,警方已逮捕霍塞为首的犯罪团伙,霍塞正面临法院审判。
