剑桥大学向新生派发避孕套 每人每周60个
来源: 环球网校 2012-10-10 21:55:39 频道: 新概念英语


剑桥大学向新生派发避孕套 每人每周60个

  File photo of Cambridge University. Cambridge University are helping first year students with their sex education - by handing out a record number of condoms.

  Cambridge University are helping first year students with their sex education - by handing out a record number of condoms.

  Freshers at the university are entitled to free contraceptives to help them avoid STDs and unwanted pregnancies during their first year.

  Under a new pilot scheme the students are entitled to as many as a staggering 60 free condoms a week.

  It means if all of the 3,500 freshers at Cambridge used their full allocation they would get through a 10,920,000 condoms a year.

  Officials are handing out free contraception packs as well as 'condom cards,' called C-Cards, which pupils can use to get hold of more.

  For any enthusiastic students who use up their weekly 60-condom limit a selection of subsidised contraception is also available through the university.

  Student welfare officer Chris Page, 21, who rolled out the pilot scheme said so far he had received an overwhelmingly "positive" response from students.

  The English graduate from Sidney Sussex college said: "We have certainly bought a very high number of condoms - it's a record.

  "The scheme is completely anonymous. We scan the card when you pick up the packs but do not take people's names, which is good for those who get embarrassed buying them.

  "I hope the scheme will encourage students to take their C-Card with them every time they go out.

  "In the few days of term we have had so far I have received a positive response from students. Lots of students are signed up.''

  The students are also being made to have compulsory sex education lessons.剑桥大学将在新学年开展的性教育活动中,向每位大一新生发放大量的避孕套。













  STD:Sexually Transmited Disease,性传染病





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