来源: 环球网校 2019-03-15 09:25:07 频道: 新概念



在单数名词后加“s” day → days week → weeks2.在以 o, s, x, ch, sh 结尾的名词后加“es”。

hero → heroes box → boxes class → classes

bush → bushes watch → watches3.黄金重点:



piano,photo,zero,radio,bamboo,tobacco,solo,cuckoo,dynamo,cameo,soprano教你一招 ☆


hero,tomato,potato,Negro(黑人)[ 简记:黑人英雄吃西红柿马铃薯。]4.以辅音加y结尾的名词变y为i再加“es”

family → families city → cities5.y前面是元音字母只加“s”

key → keys boy → boys play → plays toy → toys6.以f、fe结尾的名词,变 f / fe为 v加 es。

calf → calves knife → knives۩ 当心当心:


roof(房顶),reef(暗礁),chief(首领),cliff(悬崖),grief(悲痛),turf(草皮), belief(信仰),gulf(港湾),dwarf(侏儒),safe(保险箱),sheriff(长官),tariff(关税)

II.scarf(头巾),wharf(码头),staff(全体职员),handkerchief(手帕)和 hoof(蹄)既可直接加“s”,又可变 f为 v加 es.(二)不规则名词复数形式1. foot → feet mouse → mice goose → geese child → children ox → oxen louse → lice woman → women man → men2.单复数同形:

sheep, deer, fish, means, Chinese, Japanese, Swiss, works,

barracks(兵营) bellows(风箱) kennels(狗窝)3.一些英语外来词的复数形式:

crisis→crises 危机

analysis→analyses 分析

oasis→oases 绿洲

parenthesis→parentheses 括号

axis→axes 轴心

ellipsis→ellipses 日蚀

hypothesis→hypotheses 假定

synopsis→synopses 内容提要

erratum→errata 勘误误表

addendum→addenda 补遗、附录

medium→media 媒体



bookshelf→bookshelves handful→handfuls2.man和 woman构成的复合名词,二者均变为复数。

man servant → men servants

woman teache r→ women teachers3.中间有连字符的合成次,在主体词(中心意义的词)末尾变复数:

sister-in-law → sisters-in-law

looker-on → lookers-on


sit-in→sit-ins, grown-up→grown-ups

stand-by→stand-bys touch-me-not→touch-me-nots


the boy's toy, men's work2.以 s结尾的复数名词直接加“'”

the students' reading room3.以 s结尾的单数名词加“'”

Dickens' novels the actress' performance4.合成名词在最后一个词上加“s”

her brother-in-law's piano.

Somebody else's books. (重要!)


an hour's drive, a mile's journey

ten pounds' weight, Beijing's weather

the earth's surface

a stone's throw 投石之距离

at one's wits end 智穷计尽

to one's heart's content 尽情地

by a hair's breadth 千钧一发

at a snail's pace 缓慢地5.双重所有格:


a friend of mine (名词性物主代词)

a child of hers

the love poems of your sister's


● a portrait of her mother 她母亲的画像(画中人)

● a portrait of her mother's 她母亲拥有的画像中的一幅(不一定是她母亲的画像)测试精编1. Julie went to the ________ to buy a pair of shoes.

A. shoes store B. shoe's store C. shoe store D. shoes' store2. As a safety precaution, all city cab drivers carry only enough money to make change for a ________ bill.

A. ten-dollar B. ten-dollars

C. tens-dollar D. ten-dollar's3. Recently, he has lost all his ________ at cards.

A. wage and saving B. wages and saving

C. wage and savings D. wages and savings4. I want ________ .

A. a dollar worth candy B. candy a dollar's worth

C. a dollar's worth of candy D. a dollar worth's candy5.The surroundings a child grows up in usually ________ an effect on his development.

A. have B. had C. do D. has(后设答案,大家不要偷看哦~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……)KEYS1. C 2.A 3.D 4. C 5.A
