来源: 环球网校 2019-06-18 10:27:20 频道: 实用英语


The name George is synonymous with British kings. Six King Georges have worn the crown throughout history since the German-born George I, the first Hanoverian king of Great Britain, acceded to the throne in 1714.“乔治”一名和英国几位国王相同。自从出生在德国的乔治一世、第一位大不列颠汉诺威国王在1714年加冕称王开始,历史上共有六位名为“乔治”的英国国王。

The first name of the last King George - George VI - was actually Albert and he was known to his family as 'Bertie' but he selected George - his fourth name - to use as Sovereign. He was the much-loved father of the present Queen and the new Prince George of Cambridge's great-great grandfather。乔治六世是英国历史上最后一位名为乔治的国王。实际上他的首名叫做艾伯特,家中人都称他为“伯蒂”。但当他继位后确选用第四个名字“乔治”作为国王称谓。乔治六世是在位伊丽莎白女王敬爱的父亲,刚刚出生的剑桥乔治王子的曾曾祖父。

George is also the fourth name of the Prince of Wales - the baby's grandfather. Even Edward VIII had George among his seven names. The name means farmer or earth worker. It was the 12th most popular name for boys born in England and Wales in 2011.王室宝宝的祖父威尔士亲王的第四个名字也是乔治。甚至爱德华八世的七个名字里也有乔治一词。这个名字的意思是“农夫或土地劳作者”。在2011年英格兰和威尔士最受欢迎的男孩名字中排名第12。

St George, a fourth-century Christian martyr, is the patron Saint of England and represents honour, bravery and gallantry. The legend of George slaying a dragon and rescuing an innocent maiden is medieval。圣乔治是四世纪基督教殉教者,英格兰的守护神,代表荣誉、勇气和豪情。中世纪神话里还有乔治屠杀巨龙,拯救无辜少女的传说。

There has only been one other Prince of Cambridge and he was also called George. The first Prince George of Cambridge was a grandson of George III and the only son of Prince Adolphus Frederick, the 1st Duke of Cambridge。英国历史上还有另一位剑桥王子,他的名字也是乔治。第一位剑桥乔治王子是乔治三世的孙子,剑桥公爵一世阿道弗斯-弗雷德里克的独生子。

Prince George of Cambridge was born in 1819 and went on to become the 2nd Duke of Cambridge after his father's death。这位剑桥乔治王子出生于1819年,在父亲死去世继承他的头衔,成为剑桥公爵二世。

The Duke was in the Army and served in the Crimean War. He was promoted to Commander-in-Chief in 1887 and an equestrian statue of him stands in the middle of London's Whitehall.He was said to have been a disciplinarian, who believed Army promotions should be based on social connections rather than ability。这位公爵是位军人,还参加过克里米亚战争。1887年他晋升为军队总司令,伦敦白厅中央还竖立着他骑马的塑像。据说这位剑桥公爵纪律严格,却认为军队晋升应基于社会关系而非个人能力。


This is popular in Scotland, where Alexander III was regarded as one of the country's greatest rulers. In April this year, Willem-Alexander was sworn in as King of the Netherlands after the abdication of his mother, Queen Beatrix。这个名字在苏格兰很有名,人们认为亚历山大三世是英国最伟大的国王之一。今年四月,荷兰女王比阿特丽斯退位后,威廉姆-亚历山大成为荷兰新国王。


This name has deep significance in the Windsor family in honour of the Prince of Wales's favourite uncle Lord Louis Mountbatten, who was killed by the IRA in 1979. Louis is the last of William’s three middle names。这个名字对于温莎家族有着深层意义。它是为了纪念威尔士亲王最爱戴的叔父——路易斯-蒙巴顿公爵。1979年蒙巴顿公爵遭爱尔兰共和军暗杀身亡。威廉王子有三个中间名字,最后一个也是路易斯。


