来源: 环球网校 2013-04-18 00:35:45 频道: 新概念英语

  新概念三Lesson21《Daniel Mendoza》介绍了拳击史上最引人注目的人物之一:Daniel Mendoza。通过引入科学,他成功地将拳击变成了一种体育运动。在现实生活中,我们不太会真正地去接触拳击活动。可是看到一些电影中的场景时,大家会不会充满了热血呢?拳击手一直是勇气的化身,他们永远不向命运低头!今天小编为大家带来几部好莱坞的经典Boxing Movies。让我们在电影的幻境中血液沸腾一下吧!

  Since the introduction of boxing in ancient times, it has mirrored the struggle of every man who has ever gone toe to toe with an opponent, be it of flesh or the spirit. Boxing can be seen as a metaphor for every fight in a man’s life, those moments where it doesn’t come down to equipment or trick plays, but all that’s left when life is stripped down to the bare essentials: grit, determination, and heart.


  The parallel between boxing and life is also what makes the boxing movie such great cinema. Whether or not you’ve ever stepped into a boxing gym, the themes of human triumph, defeat, and perseverance inevitably resonate. We connect to the characters because we’ve all been the scrappy underdog pinned against the ropes at one time or another. And we all want to believe we can make a comeback and become the champ.

