来源: 环球网校 2016-08-23 15:09:16 频道: 托福

  里约奥运在经历基础设施落后、社会治安混乱等一系列来自全世界的质疑时,本届奥运会也被中外媒体誉为最政治化的一届,来看看来自Huffington Post 的专栏文章如何呼吁,并且学习下其中的托福必用词句。




  It's fair to say that there is much turmoil in the world we live in. Safety is top of mind for everyone in this day and age where just simply walking into an airport or eating dinner in a restaurant can potentially cost you your life as demonstrated by recent terror attacks.

  △ It’s fair to say … 公平地讲/不夸张地说…

  作为可以在托福写作中独立写作的第一句话代替我们用到想吐的 No one can deny that …

  △ … be top of mind for everyone in this day and age 也可以用于强调事物的重要性,替代我们的 is important to all of us today.



  The one place that should be sacred and free of politics, religious debates, discrimination, hatred or anything else negative is the Olympics. While the world's greatest athletes are competing in Rio, the focus should be on being the best you can be and making your country proud. The chance to compete in the Olympic games is the ultimate honor for any athlete. It's the greatest example there is how different people from different cultures, backgrounds and upbringings can come together, get along and respect each other.

  △ For example 用腻了?来试试 It is the greatest example (that)...

  △ Different people 用的太多,不如换成 people from different cultures, backgrounds and upbringings.
