来源: 环球网校 2016-09-20 15:42:34 频道: 托福







1. 对邮件进行过滤,这样就可不散布公司里面的机密;

2. 从流媒体的角度来看,限制访问一些娱乐网站,但会花费比较大;

3. 干脆完全停掉上网,禁止个人使用网络,说这样可以提高生产力。




1. 过滤并没有很大的效果,那些想用邮件泄密的人,因为要是有员工真的想泄密的话,他们会倾向于用一些无关的词汇,过滤根本筛不出来的;

2. 根本不应该花费那么多钱堵死所有的媒体。事实表明,这种流媒体10%有用,90%都没用。教授说应该只对一些大家常见的媒体网站,如流行音乐和视频截流就行了;

3. 实际上允许个人使用网络的公司更加有生产效率。因为员工被认为是受到信赖,他们就会有较好的道德,才会愿意去努力工作,并在这个公司服务更久。这样的话公司才能增加生产效率。




The lecture opposes the view mentionedin the reading with strong supporting evidences presented, aiming to furtherillustrate that the limit access to internet use is not as effective as stated.


Firstly, from the perspective of emailfilter, the professor states his doubt, because according to the lecture, thefilter is not effective to those who maliciously expose secrets of the company,in the use of innocent words, which the filter cannot effectively screen out.


Moreover, judging from the streamingmedia, the professor holds a different view, as the lecture further illustratesthat it is not necessary to spend that much blocking all the streaming media,only 10% of which is effective. According to data, the limit to the most commonstreaming media, such as websites of pop music and videos, is effective enough.


Last but not least, on the point of zeroaccess to internet, the professor never fails to express his concern, becausein terms of the listening, those staff in the company allowing free internetaccess are of better creation, as they believe they are trusted by the company,and will behave in better morality in return, working hard and longer in thecompany.



Reading: 有个作品一直认为是古董,后来发现是米开朗基罗伪造的

1. 他以前伪造过,可能再伪造;

2. 他有幅画和这个作品很像;

3. 他为了多赚钱造假。



Listening: 从以下这三点进行反驳

1. 伪造是很早发生的事情,后来大家都认为他有能力,没必要再伪造;

2. 相像可能是巧合还是有不少地方不一样的;

3. 造假太冒险了,没必要。




Contradicting the idea proposed by thereading passage that a famous precious painting was forged by Michelangelo, theprofessor argues that these are merely misconceptions with three pieces ofevidence.


To begin with, the reading passagestates that Michelangelo used to forge other paintings and thus continuouslyforging this painting. However, the professor refutes that the forging case hadalready taken place for really a long time. Since Michelangelo had receivedcommon recognition and reputation for his talents, he didn’t need to imitateother people’s paintings.


Moreover, the professor rebuts the pointin the article that there is a striking resemblance between one ofMichelangelo’s paintings and the famous one, leading to his forging behavior.He also points out that there are still many differences between two paintingsbesides the similarities. The resemblance is just a coincidence.


Last but not least, while the passageindicates that Michelangelo fabricated the painting in order to earn moremoney, the professor contends that the faking behavior was actually quiterisky. With so good reputation and social status, he had no necessity to dosuch things.




1. 保护森林

2. 将养在研究室的乌龟放到大自然

3. 把乌龟搬移到别的地方



Listening: 教授反对——真正的原因是森林火灾

1. 饲养的乌龟没办法在野外生活

2. 陆龟是家庭饲养的,即使把它放到别的地方,它仍然会跑回去

3. 这段旅程它要跨越繁忙的马路,反而会增加它的死亡概率。





None of the three measures proposed inthe reading can effectively cope with the decrease in the population of thespecific type of tortoise in danger.

Firstly, from the perspective ofprotecting the woods, the professor states his doubt, because according to thelecture, what did harm the living surroundings of the tortoise is the forestfire, which burned up everything, including the leaves in the trees. When thesunshine penetrates directly onto the ground, the grass is dried up and thetortoise lives without food.

Moreover, judging from returning thetortoise back into the nature, the professor holds a different view, as thelecture further illustrates that the tortoise bred in the research stations isbetter treated with infectious disease, but it is an opposite story in thewild.

Last but not least, on the point ofsending the tortoise back to where the race has disappeared, the professornever fails to express his concern, because there is an instinct called hominginstinct, which means tortoise will move back to where it comes from, and itmay probably get killed on the way back, getting hit by car.





1. 无污染;

2. 太阳能资源非常丰富;

3. 在偏远的地方也能行得通。




1. 占据很多空间,需要25%的城市空间来供整座城市用电;

2. 要储存太阳能,人们必须使用电池,而用来制造电池的材料非常稀少,如铅;

3. 如果位于偏远地区,维修就不便利,而且维修太阳能也需要高科技。





The lecture opposes the view mentionedin the reading with strong supporting evidences presented, aiming to furtherillustrate that solar energy is not a better alternation for oil and nuclearenergy.


Firstly, from the perspective ofpopulation, the professor states his doubt, because according to the lecture,although solar energy is clean and safe, it takes up almost 25% of the cityarea to set up unnecessary equipment, in order to support the energy use of thewhole city.


Moreover, judging from the source of theenergy, the professor holds a different view, as the lecture furtherillustrates that in order to store the energy, people must use battery. Thematerial to make battery is rare, such as lead, regardless of the adequacy ofraw materials in obtaining the energy.


Last but not least, on the point of thelocation of the manufacturer, the professor never fails to express his concern,because in terms of the listening, base stations, which are located in theremote areas, require regular repair to sustain the normal function. And it isnot convenient, especially when considering the high requirement of technology.





1. 影响生态平衡,狼多了,麋鹿的数量就减少了。

2. 影响当地经济,牧场主抱怨自己的羊群被狼吃了啥的。

3. 威胁到人的安全,当地人害怕狼。




1. 不但不影响生态平衡,反而促进。没有狼,那种以麋鹿开头的动物越来越多,狼回归了之后,麋鹿这种动物终于减少了一点,这样生态慢慢平衡。

2. 狼只在野生动物少的时候才会捕食家畜,而且就算捕了,政府也会赔偿牧场主,不会影响他们的收入和当地经济

3. 很少有记录说狼袭击人,人只是本身害怕,而不是因为狼、狼嚎吓人





The lecture opposes the view mentionedin the reading with strong supporting evidences presented, aiming to furtherillustrate that it is positive to let the wolf pack back into the ecology.


Firstly, from the perspective ofeco-balance, the professor states his doubt, because according to the lecture,without the existence of predators, the population of elk keeps growing in thearea, which has deteriorated the vegetation. The return of wolf is an effectivemeasure to bring the number of elk back to normal.


Moreover, judging from the economic lossof local ranchers, the professor holds a different view, as the lecture furtherillustrates that wolves will not hunt livestock until there is little prey inthe wild. And even if the animals in the farm are hurt, the local governmentwill remedy for the loss.


Last but not least, on the point ofsafety, the professor never fails to express his concern, because in terms ofthe listening, there is few records of wolf attack. The only reason why humanbeings are afraid of wolf is that the wolf howls like a threat.






1. 把牛角给卸了,这样猎人就不愿意去杀犀牛;

2. 教育消费者,告诉他们犀牛角药用是不科学的。可以改用其他的东西代替犀牛角;

3. 政府来合法卖牛角,如果政府卖低价,非法商人就没利润了。




1. 把所有牛角都卸了本身就不可能,另外对犀牛也没好处;

2. 人们对牛角的需求是有传统的,他们相信牛角非常有用;

3. 人们会认为买牛角是合法的,所以有更多人去买,这样就有很多犀牛被杀。




None of the three measures proposed inthe reading can effectively decrease the hunting of wild rhinoceroses.


First of all, from the perspective ofremoval of their horns, the professor states his doubt, because according tothe lecture, to remove horns of all the rhinoceroses is impossible, let alonethe harm to their physical health caused by the action.


Moreover, judging from the effect ofeducation, the professor holds a different view, as the lecture furtherillustrates that the customers have been long convinced of the pharmaceuticalvalue of the horns, no matter how much the government claims the equal effectof substitute, such as ox horn.


Last but not least, on the point oflegalization of the horn trade, the professor never fails to express hisconcern, because in terms of the listening, once the government legalizes thetrade of rhinoceroses’ horns, the public will consider the governmentencourages the trade, and the sales will increase. Therefore, the rhinocerosesstill suffer.






1. 在被追捕过程中有一种视错觉(opticalillusion),会让捕食它们的动物对于它们的距离远近产生错觉,从而在不正确的时候进行纵身一跃(leap),导致无法抓到它们;

2. 让敌人无法分清个体和群体;

3. 便于自己藏匿在草丛中。




1. 其实在捕杀斑马的动物中,它们从不存在纵身一跃(leap)的阶段,所以也就不存在视错觉(opticalillusion)的作用;

2. 敌人对条纹还是纯色无区别,个体还是群体也没区别;

3. 斑马一般不会藏起来,而是暴露在开放的草原上。





The lecture refutes the view mentionedin the reading with strong supporting evidences presented, aiming to furtherdemonstrate the function of the stripes on zebras.

Firstly, from the perspective of opticalillusion, the professor states his doubt, because according to the lecture,predators of zebras never leap to catch its prey and therefore, the effect ofoptical illusion seems meaningless in this part.


Moreover, judging from the illusion ofthe number and color of zebras, the professor holds a different view, as thelecture further illustrates that to the predators of zebras, there is nodifference between a group of zebras and an individual as well as a zebra withlines all over and one in pure color.


Last but not least, on the point ofconvenience in hiding, the professor never fails to express his concern,because in terms of the listening, zebras seldom hide themselves in bushes. Onthe contrary, they intend to expose themselves in the open prairies.









1. 太贵;

2. 当地人不愿意帮助安装和维护;

3. 植被成长了脱离了小盒子还是无法生长。





1. 循环使用,可以用20次;

2. 可供当地人收集水给蔬菜,树长大了可以给当地人提供木材;

3. 小时候建立了根,长大了不怕恶劣环境。






The lecture objects to the viewmentioned in the reading with strong supporting evidences presented, aiming tofurther demonstrate the effectiveness of the device to collect water in desert.


Firstly, from the perspective of thecost, the professor states his doubt, because according to the lecture,considering that the device can be repeatedly used for 20 times, the currentprice is reasonable enough.


Moreover, judging from the willingnessto set up the device, the professor holds a different view, as the lecturefurther illustrates that the device benefits the locals in two ways. On onehand, the water collected in the device can be used to water the vegetables andon the other hand, the trees after growing up can be logged. And thus thelocals are willing to do so.


Last but not least, on the point of thesurvival of vegetation, the professor never fails to express his concern,because in terms of the listening, once the tree reaches water sources andtakes root in the deeper soil, over 90% of the trees can grow wellindependently without the help of the device.








1. 文章讲他对抗罗马军队是为了回到家乡;

2. 文章讲他以少打多,赢得胜利和群众的崇拜;

3. 文章讲他努力拯救罗马奴隶。





1. 教授说不仅仅是这样,他还想征服国家,财富和金银;

2. 教授说不对,他不是军事天才,他赢的原因是罗马军队太弱,当遇到最好的军队时,他立马就败了;

3. 教授说不对,这故事是编的。当时奴隶运动发动,他们想找一个英雄来振奋人心,就选择了斯巴达克思(Spartacus来鼓舞人心,这只是编的故事。





None of the three descriptions proposedin the reading is accurate enough to illustrate the role Spartacus had playedin the fight against Rome.


Firstly, from the perspective of hisoriginal purpose of the battles, the professor states his doubt, becauseaccording to the lecture, they could have fled away after the victory of thefirst battles. On the contrary, his army started fighting in the farther regionwithin the Roman boundary in the later years, which matches with their purposeof revenge and wealth.


Moreover, judging from his militarytalent, the professor holds a different view, as the lecture furtherillustrates that although he did win the first few battles, the victory wasbased on the Rome’s underestimation to Spartacus’ army. After the most superiorRoman troops had been sent, Spartacus was defeated immediately.


Last but not least, on the point of hissalvation to the slaves, the professor never fails to express his concern,because in terms of the listening, there is a lack of evidence to support thesaying. The most proper source of the saying is said to have come from therequirement of plays in the 18th century, when the fight againstslavery in play was an important spiritual support to the slaves in their fightagainst slavery. And Spartacus had thus been described as a hero.















