来源: 环球网校 2019-07-23 09:31:09 频道: 新概念

There's definitely an art (or maybe a science?) to going days and days between shampoos, and I've hands-down mastered it. Not lathering up every day or two might sound gross, but every time my friends hear that it's been seven days since my last shampoo, they're shocked and would have thought it was freshly washed. Nope. Just seriously strategic lazy girl hair hacks.


1. Shampoo Twice Using A Clarifying Shampoo


It's going to be a while until you shampoo again — lather up good. Sometimes it isn't dirt or oil that gets your hair looking dirty, but actually a build-up of products. Regular shampoo can't always get rid of this, so try a clarifying shampoo every now and then to make sure you're really getting your hair clean.


2. Only Condition The Ends


Your roots are what get the most oily, and your ends are the driest. Condition the ends for moisture, but leave it off the roots to keep your hair clean as long as possible.


3. Avoid Oils


As a girl with frizzy hair, I totally get the appeal of oils and shine serums, but they can be counterintuitive. It may not be naturally produced oil from your scalp, but oil is oil. And that is what you're trying to avoid to make your shampoo last longer, so instead, use a styling cream without heavy silicones or oils.


4. Don't Touch It!


It's obvious, but it needs to be said.


5. Pull It Back As Often As Possible


I swear my co-workers have literally never seen my hair down, because every time I'm working at my desk, my hair is pulled back in a messy bun. When you aren't out socializing or needing your hair to look amaze, tie it back. Just keep it off your face, especially when walking around outside in the heat.


6. Poof Your Front Pieces


When you exercise, you sweat, and that makes hair get greasy more quickly. To avoid forehead sweat seeping onto your bangs or front pieces, poof them back and secure with a bobby pin.


7. Use Your Sunglasses As A Headban


If you want to wear it down, then push your sunglasses on top of your head and use it keep your hair up and off your face.如果你想披着头发,那就把墨镜推到头顶上,用墨镜来束起头发,让头发不会触到脸上。

8. Dry Shampoo Is Your Friend, But Not Right Away


I always wait as long as I can before using dry shampoo. It can definitely dry your hair out, so I only like to use it once or maybe twice between shampoos.


9. Brush, Brush, Brush


Brushing with a boar bristle brush helps distribute the natural oils from scalp to ends, which helps break-up oil at the root and nourish your ends that actually need it.


10. Rinse With Water


If you absolutely cannot deal, you can wash your hair, just don't use shampoo! It'll take as long to dry, but because it's already dirty, it won't dry as frizzy.

