来源: 环球网校 2021-05-18 14:40:00 频道: 新概念

success story 成功者的故事


Yesterday afternoon Frank Hawkins was telling me about his experiences as a young man. Before he retired, Frank was the head of a very large business company, but as a boy he used to work in a small shop. It was his job to repair bicycles and at that time he used to work fourteen hours a day. He saved money for years and in 1958 he bought a small workshop of his own. In his twenties Frank used to make spare parts for aeroplanes. At that time he had two helpers. In a few years the small workshop had become a large factory which employed seven hundred and twenty-eight people. Frank smiled when he remembered his hard early years and the long road to success. He was still smiling when the door opened and his wife came in. She wanted him to repair their grandson's bicycle!




retire v. 退休

company n. 公司

bicycle n. 自行车

save v. 积蓄

workshop n. 车间

helper n. 帮手,助手

employ v. 雇佣

grandson n. 孙子


1 He saved money for years and in 1958 he bought a small workshop of his own.


(1)save v. 积蓄,挽救

相关短语: save one's life 救了某人的生命 save one's face 挽会面子 save money 存钱

He saved my life 他挽救了我的生命。

I have saved up for many years. 我已经存了好几年的钱了。

(2)of one's own

own此处作名词使用,意为自己的东西;做形容词时是指自己的, 特有的;动词时表示拥有的意思。

用one's own还是of one's own由被修饰词的位置决定,如果被修饰名词在前边,用of one's own,如果被修饰名词在后边,用one's own。

my own book =The book is of my own

2 Frank was the head of a very large business company, but as a boy he used to work in a small shop.


used to do 过去常常,但是现在不做

My teacher used to live there. 我的老师过去住在那(现在不住了)。

3 in his twenties

in one's -ies 在某人几十岁的时候

in my fifties 在我五十多岁的时候

In his fifties,he learned the second language.


in the 1980s 在二十世纪八十年代

I worked/began the job in the 1990s.


4 In a few years the small workshop had become a large factory which employed seven hundred and twenty-eight people.


①表示在过去某一时刻或动作以前完成了的动作,也可以说过去的时间关于过去的动作。即“过去的过去”。By nine o’clock last night, we had gotten 200 pictures from the spaceship.

到昨晚9点钟,我们已经收到200 张飞船发来的图片。

②表示由过去的某一时刻开始,一直延续到过去另一时间的动作或状态,常和for, since构成的时间状语连用。

He said he had worked in that factory since 1949.



I returned the book that I had borrowed.


