来源: 环球网校 2016-10-08 17:12:44 频道: 托福




23 20090329 Task 3

Reading:学校决定把每个班级的人数从 8 人增加到 15 人。
原因:更多的学生 apply 这些课程,但是学校的师资有限。
Listening: 男生反对:
1、减少了交流机会, 降低了课堂参与度。
2、更多的学生,就可以获得更多的学费, 然后请更多的老师。


In the reading passage, the university decided to increase the number of students in each class from 8 to 15. That's because there are more students applying for these classes while the number of faculties is limited. In the listening, the male student disagrees with this decision. First, it will decrease the opportunity to communicate with the faculty, leading to less participation. Second, if more students are coming, more tuition will be paid. The university can use this to pay for having more faculties. In this way, the problem of faculty insufficiency will be solved.


24 Task3

Reading: 学校要来一个节电比赛,看谁用电少,赢者奖励皮萨派对。
Listening: 女生赞成
1 可以贴小纸条"随手关灯"在开关旁边。
2 就算对节电比赛没有兴趣,也对皮萨派对有兴趣,这样为了赢,他们就会节电了。


The university announces that it will launch an electricity saving competition. The winners will be awarded with a pizza party. The female student in the listening material supports the idea. There are two reasons. First, encouraging students to save electricity is a worthwhile act. Simple things such as a small label next to a light switch that says "Turn off when not in use" will be very effective in changing students' habits. Furthermore, it is a good point to use a pizza party to encourage the students. Although many students are not interested in saving electricity, they will be very much attracted by the possibility of winning a pizza party. Thus, students will think of many ingenious ways to save electricity in the dorm.


25 20100918

Reading:学校 policy 让所有大一新生明年统一搬到 baster dormitory, 其他年级的搬到其他宿舍,原因是这样更有利于大一学生在一起,经历同样 问题可以一起商量解决,更好度过大一。
Listening: 男是支持的态度:
2某女问 他那你不得搬家到其他宿舍吗,他说不要紧我搬到个更新的宿舍地儿更大可 以放下我的更多东西


According to the reading material, the university plans to have the freshmen move to the baster dormitory beginning the next year. Other students will move to other dormitories. The main reason is that the freshmen can gather together and communicate when they encounter similar problems. The man in the listening material supports the policy. First, when he was a freshman, he couldn't find anyone to discuss with when he had troubles. He thinks if freshmen can live together, these students will not suffer what he did in the past. Also, after he moves to a new apartment, there will be more room for him to store his stuff.



Reading: 学校发布公告要求大一新生住校,认为这样有利于小组学习和缓解停车压力。
Listening: 女生不同意
1以前她一年级时候完全不存在group study的现象,而且学习环境吵得不行。


The university posted a notice in school paper stating that new students are required to live in on-campus because living together will be helpful for new students to organize study groups, and the pressure on the school parking lot will be greatly reduced. The woman in the conversation disagrees with the policy. Firstly, study groups will involve in discussion and debates which are too noisy for other students to concentrate. Secondly,as new students have fewer chances to go out by living on campus,their cars will occupy the parking space for a longer time. This will create even greater pressure on school parking.



Listening: 女生同意
1. on-campus的dorm已经overcrowded。


The university plans to establish a housing office to help students find places to live off campus. The femaleagrees. There are two reasons. First, currently the dorm is overcrowded. Therefore, if students want to find somewhere nice to live, they have to look for it outside the campus. A housing office will definitely provide the needed help. Also, the office will offer useful information about the local area. This is something that the new students in particular need the most. Sothey believe the plan is a good one.


28 20150314 Task3

Reading: Fine Art系打算让几个学生去Thompson School教小孩子画画
Listening: 男生赞成
2 他觉得自己可以得到一些教课的经验,因为他也正在学教育


According to the reading passage, the Fine Arts department will ask a few of the university's art students to give art lessons to children at Thompson School. In the listening passage, the man thinks teaching children is a good opportunity for the following reasons. First, when he was a kid, he didn't have a chance to learn painting. So he is glad to see that these children get the opportunity to learn. Second, he thinks he can get teaching experience from doing this because he is studying education. Therefore, he thinks this is a good chance to practice his teaching skills.


29 20150919

Reading: 学校图书馆要 install lock,一是方便,二是费用可以向学生收取
1. 认为有学生会把书锁起来,其他人就用不了;
2. 另外学生 budget tight,没有额外的钱,很少人会付钱,失去了 install 的意义


The university has announced that the school library is planning to install locks for students in order to provide them with convenience. In addition, students will be charged for the use of these locks to cover the expenses of the installment. The speaker does not agree with the announcement. There are two reasons. First of all, once after the installment, some students will lock the books they want to use for private use, and that is unfair to other students who are in urgent need of these books. Secondly, students have a tight budget and there is no extra money to spare. Therefore, few students will choose to pay to use the locks and it has lost the original meaning of the installment.


30 Task3 20150919

Reading: 学生写信提议在lobby of fine art building 加一个small coffee shop
1: 方便大家
2: 让大家欣赏艺术作品
Listening: 女生赞成
2:有机会让其他学生看到fine art学生的作品


A student wrote a proposal to the university suggesting that the university should think about adding a coffee shop to the lobby of the fine arts building because there's no such a place for students to buy something to drink or eat between classes, and it can provide an opportunity for other students to notice the art works that fine arts students made in the lobby. The student in the conversation thinks it's a good idea. First, it's a ten minutes walking from the buildings to student center, where has a coffee shop. It takes too long for students to walk between classes. Second, not many students know about the art works displayed in the lobby, so adding a coffee shop there can encourage more students to stop by.

31 20121013

Reading: 学校为了帮助学生解决电脑问题,准备雇用一些 paid student technician 这些 technician 要住在宿舍,为了给大家提供 24 小时的服务。作 为回报,住宿的费用减低一半。
Listening: 女的觉得这是个好主意,
1 她有一次做作业做到很晚, 电 脑 freeze 了, 修不好,她只能抱着一大堆书去图书馆用电脑。 但是第二天 她一个朋友说这是个很简单的问题,一下子就解决了,如果有 student technician 能帮她解决这个问题,就太好了。
2降低一半的住宿费很 不错,因为住宿费太贵了, 她也想去竞选这个职位。


In the reading, the university is going to hire some paid student technicians to help students solve computer problems. These technicians have to live in the dorm in order to serve the students anytime they need. As a return, their living expenses will be cut in half. The girl in the conversation thinks this is a good idea. One time, her computer was freeze when she did her homework late at night. She had to carry a bunch of books to the library to use the computer. The next day, her friend told her that it was a simple problem, which can be solved in a minute. She thinks it will be great if there are some student technicians who can help her. Second, for the living expense, it is nice to cut it in half because the living fee is too high. She wants to apply for this position.


32 Task3 20110925

Reading: 学校打算增加 theatre 的座位
原因:1 座位少,很多同学买不到票;
2 多卖票能多赚钱
Listening: 女生不同意
1虽然座位少,但是几乎没见过 theatre 坐满过,所以总是能有空座位的;


The school has announced a new policy that it plans to add more seats in the theatre due to limited seats and there will be more profits generated as the seats increase. The student in the conversation thinks the policy is unreasonable. The first reason she gives is that the theatre has not been fully seated in the past, and there are always some unoccupied seats. And the second one is based on the fact that the costs for adding more seats will not be able to retrieve in a short period of time. Therefore, this notice is unconvincing.



Reading:letter 建议学校禁止在学校中心骑自行车,尤其在楼与楼之间,因为很窄(sidewalk is narrow),对行人很不安全,如果发现要罚款。
Listening: 女生反对
2 专门让人来监管违规是一种浪费


According to the reading material, a student proposes to forbid riding bikes on campus particularly among buildings because the sidewalks on campus are narrow and thus cycling could be dangerous. The student also suggests the university to hire some security guards to check whether any students break the rule and impose a fine. The woman holds a negative view toward the proposal. First, she thinks cycling is safe because it's not too fast and doesn't injure others normally. Also, students who ride bikes are responsible and careful. Furthermore, hiring some security guards for checking will be a waste of time and resources.


34 Task4

Reading:Echolocation: detect objects or position through the refection of sound. 许多动物看不到,但是可以躲避障碍物,捕捉食物。
Listening: 以蝙蝠为例,他们用echolocation 来辨别位置以免撞树,并辨别老鼠的位置。而且它可以分辨障碍物是树还是老鼠。


Echolocation refers to the concept that some animals can detect positions or objects through the reflection of sound without eyesight. The professor gives an example of bat. Mouse is the main food to feed bats, but mouse is only active at night. The view is terrible at night. However, it is not difficult for bats. They can use echolocation to detect the exact position of mouse. They can also detect barriers to avoid crashing on barriers such as trees. Besides, bats can also have the ability to distinguish the actual target from trees to mouse. That's the echolocation helps some species to detect targets without seeing them actually.


35 Task 4 20130215 北美

Reading:kinaesthetic learning :让学生参与其中
Listening: 老师以前教学生读表,开始自己用纸做的表来交,孩子们不理他,老师换了个方式,让学生上台,一个扮演表面,一个扮演表针,然后问时间让学生学习,学生开始认真学习。


Kinaesthetic learning refers to a learning methodthat the students participate physically, rather than sitting there to listen to a lecture or watch a demonstration. In this way, the students can actively involve in the learning process. In the listening, the professor gives an example to illustrate. A teacher taught the students to read the clock. At the beginning, the teacher used a paper clock to teach the students, but the students didn't show their interest. Then the teacher changed the teaching method. She called two students to go onto the platform, one acting as dial plate and another as watch hand, and asked other students to read the clock. Thus, the students were willing to learn at the end.



36 Task4

Reading: functional attribute error, 一个人会忽略与他或她不是特别相关的事。


Functional attribute error describes a psychological phenomenon that people tend to ignore the details seemingly irrelevant to them. The professor talked about his own experience as an example. Once he was later for a meeting where his supervisor also attended. After he arrived, he apologized to the supervisor for his lateness. Later, he had to propose to his supervisor about a question. In fact, the supervisor had explained the question before he arrived, but the professor had no idea of this. However, the supervisor apparently had forgot the professor's latenessand was angry that he had asked the question having been explained ahead of time.


37 20150201 Task4

Reading:impact of bias:人们会错误地以为悲伤或者开心的情绪会一直持续下去。其实都是判断失误。但是发生其他的事情的话这种情绪就不在了。
Listening: 教授女儿非常想去一所大学因为朋友也去,但是最终没录取,就感到很悲伤。而且觉得自己会一直这样不高兴。后来她接受了另外那所学校,因为很多多姿多彩的活动,慢慢地,她不高兴的情绪就不在了。


In the lecture, the professor introduces a concept called the impact of bias. It is a psychological phenomenon that when people have inaccurate expectations of the impact that a particular event will have on them, both the intensity and length of the emotion will last. But other events will help people to recover. The professor gives an example of his daughter. His daughter wanted to apply to a university since her best friends applied too, and the university had a great education program. However, she was not admitted by the university, so she thought her life was ruined. She was very upset about the result and she believed that she would be upset for a long time. On the contrary, she chose another school and it has many different kinds of activities. She then forgot whole thing and moved on.



Reading: false consensus :人们一般会assume他们自己的activity, believe,是和别人都一样的。
Listening: 在图书馆做一个关于学生们是否会小声交谈的试验,第一次问:will you speak in the library;有的说他们说很awkward,第二次问: What do you think others will response? 之前回答说能大声说话的认为别人也会这样做,之前说不能的就认为别人也不会这么做


False consensus refers to a psychological phenomenon that people tend to believe that they are right or at least stand by the most common idea. The professor gives an experiment. The participants were questioned about their behaviors in the library. For example, whether they will speak, sit or stand in the library. Some think it is awkward to speak in the library. But at the second time, the participants were asked whether they believed that others would hold the same opinion as they did. This time, however, most people did not think others would hold the same opinion as they did.


