来源: 环球网校 2016-10-11 18:01:48 频道: 托福




Reading: 阅读说在罗纳河(Rhone River)发现了一个半身像(bust),说这个半身像就是凯撒(Caesar),罗马的一个领导者。
1. 那个半身像是现实主义(realism)的形式表现,然后凯撒的时代也是现实主义的时代;
2. 半身像的头发的表现和真实的凯撒一致(跟钱有关);
3. 因为是在河里发现的,以前人们想销毁它,有新的领导者上任,留着它是不尊重的。


Listening: 反驳阅读的论点
1. 现实主义在凯撒死后还在继续盛行;
2. 只有头发的样式相匹配,其他的特征一点也不符合;
3. 罗纳河中还发现了其他的雕塑,和那个半身像相补充,并且将其扔进河里,就是为了处理这个垃圾。




The reading and the listening both discuss whether the bust found in Rhone River refers to Caesar. However, what the reading suggests is pretty different from main content in the listening.

First, in the reading, it is said that the bust could not be regarded as Caesar, for realism occurred in his time. In contrast, the professor holds an opposite opinion and then states that although realism did thrive in Caesar's age, it continued after he died, which means this bust might refers to other celebrities rather than Caesar. This directly contradicts what the reading indicates.

Second, the author of the reading considers the hair of the bust the evidence of the subject, Caesar. On the contrary, the speaker refutes such idea by pointing out that even if the style of hair does match Caesar's, other features do not match at all. The face, hands, and even the pattern of clothes are more likely to be the features of another person. Therefore, the bust failed to become the statue of Caesar. This is another part where the listening contrives the reading.

Third, the reading passage asserts that because the new leader was in power, if the bust of Caesar stayed, it was a mark of disrespected to the new leader, so the bust was found in the river. Nevertheless, the lecturer maintains that there were other sculptures also found in that river, and they were right added that bust, which means throwing it into the river and then just aiming to dispose the trash.



Reading: 讲地洞穴画,这个洞穴画是史前人类为了保证打猎顺利而作
1. 画里有大量动物主题,而且有些是当时首要狩猎对象,所以表现的都是狩猎场景;
2. 有出现人身兽头的图像,认为是主角是猎人;
3. 史前人类作画很多时候是因为认为画有魔力,可以通过作画影响一定的现实,所以画出来的狩猎场景就是为了保证打猎顺利而作。


1. 洞穴里有大量的动物主题,但也有犀牛和猫,这两样不怎么被狩猎,还有根本就没出现驯鹿,这是那个时候最常被狩猎的动物,没有出现,所以动物主题和打猎不一定有关系;
2. 人身兽头是因为当时的人们相信他们的祖先的灵魂会附在动物身上,为了和祖先交流,他们会举办一些仪式活动,这些兽头很可能是为了这种仪式才画上去的。而且说是猎人,那么打猎的活动猎人形象应该是站着的,可是画上的人是卧着的,所以这个解释站不住脚;
3. 动物崇拜。人们在恐惧心理和神秘感的支配下所产生的对动物的理想寄托。画上除了描绘常见动物,也有像龙和凤凰的轮廓,证明了人们描绘动物是对神的崇拜。




The reading and the listening both discuss whether the cave painting is used for hunting. However, what the professor says is pretty different from the key points indicated in the reading.

First, the reading asserts that hunting is the purpose of cave painting due to many hunting objects in the painting, but the professor displays an opposite view that although cave paintings depict many hunted animals, they also portray other animals such as the cats that are not the objects of hunting. Moreover, the reindeer that is the main target for hunting is not included in cave paintings. Therefore, the listeing concludes that the casual relationship between depicted animals and the purpose of cave paintings is suspicious.

Second, in the reading, it is said that the image of hunters in the cave painting is the evidence for hunting. Nevertheless, the lecturer considers that such image is related to religion. That is, ancient people use this kind of image to connect their ancestors because they believe ancestors' souls are attached to animals, so they draw animals in cave paintings. Moreover, the human in the cave painting is horizontal rather than active, which is another part where the listening refutes the reading.

Third, the lecturer holds the opinion that the images of animals in cave paintings may also be used to animal worship. People generate this emotion because of their fear to animals and the domination of mystery of animals. Furthermore, there are also figures resembling dragon and phoenix in cave painting. This directly contradicts the reading's idea that painting has the power to facilitate the routine in reality such as hunting.





Reading: 交通路口的摄像头,文章观点是不好。
1. 不能及时制止危险行为;
2. 驾驶员在没有摄像头的地方可以不安全行驶;
3. 导致更多的路口交通事故。


Listening: 反驳文章观点:
1. 罚款能更有效的使驾驶员未来安全驾驶,不会放过任何违规,交警可能错
2. 交警也是设点的,而且花费更多,摄像头因为便宜就可以全面覆盖;
3. 摄像头引起的事故都是轻微的,并且严重事故减少了 40%。




Both reading and lecture discuss advantages and disadvantages of traffic camera. However, what the reading indicates is pretty different from main points in the lecture.

First, in the reading, the author asserts that traffic camera cannot stop dangerous actions in time. In contrast, the lecturer considers that traffic camera is beneficial. That is, fine based on traffic camera that catches all transgressions can force drivers to be careful, promising safe driving, while traffic police must miss something. This directly contradicts what the reading suggests.

Second, the author states that drivers can make rules when the traffic camera is absent. On the contrary, the speaker presents an opposite view that traffic camera has more financial benefits. The cost of the omnipresence of traffic police is much higher than that of camera. Moreover, because traffic camera is much cheaper, it is possible to make the whole cover.

Third, the reading passage claims that traffic camera will bring about more accidents. Nevertheless, the lecturer disagrees with such idea by pointing out that accidents caused by camera are slight. Furthermore, after assembling traffic camera, the number of serious accidents reduced by 40%. This is another part where the listening contravenes the reading.


Reading:希腊湖(Greek Lakes)中亚洲鲤鱼的数量过多,破坏了当地环境。可以采取以下三种措施进行预防:
1. 建造一座围墙;
2. 使用电气设备;
3. 采用两步法:首先,用毒药杀死所有鲤鱼;第二,引进当地物种。


1. 湖泊附近的工厂要在那里运载货物和使用船只,这样做成本很大。而且船只在城墙一边的装载货物,在另外一边还要重新装载;
2. 小鱼仍然可以游过这些装置,从而在湖泊里生长和繁殖;
3. 没人可以预测这些毒药会在将来污染这些湖泊。




The reading and the listening both discuss three measures to stop the damage caused by Asian carp to local environment. However, what the reading says is quite different from the main idea in the listening.

First, in the reading, the author suggests that building a wall is a good way to prevent Asian carp. In contrast, the professor holds a different opinion that this method will cause inconvenience. That is, factories are near the lake, and they use cargos and ships there. It will cost a lot if ships upload on one side of the wall and another ship reload at the other side. This directly contracts what the reading indicates.

Second, the reading asserts that using electrical devices can diminish Asian carp's side impact on local environment. On the contrary, the lecturer refutes such view by pointing out that little Asian carps still can swim through the device, and then they grow up and reproduce in lakes, leading to disagreeable effect. This is another part where the listening contravenes the reading.

Third, the author of reading considers that using poison is a good measure to recover the environment. Nevertheless, the speaker disagrees with this idea and then states that using toxin to kill Asian carp is a drastic and dangerous way. No one can predict that the poison and the related effect won't pollute the lake in the future. Therefore, the professor thinks that the final point in the reading is wrong again.




Reading: 有3种方式可以使燃煤变得更环保
1. 使用一些新技术,如高压,可以使燃煤变得更有效;
2. 洗煤(Coal washing)可以移除硫化物和其他化学物质;
3. 重新将碳收集储存,循环二氧化碳,并将其存在海里。


Listening: 从三个方面进行反对:
1. 接下来几年人口会增加13%,而即使有新技术,效率也只能提高10%。能源需求的增加会弥补由效率增加而节省的能源量;
2. 洗煤(Coal washing)会将对空气的污染转移到海洋;
3. 收集碳很贵而且冒险,要是碳泄露出去,对环境和人类都非常危险。




In the lecture, the professor challenges the claim that the coal could be consumed in a more environmentally-friendly way. He suggests that the approaches recommended are far from being effective.

First of all, although cutting-edge technologies such as high pressure could improve the efficiency in coal combustion, the demographic increase would probably negate the effect of such innovation. In fact, global population would grow by 13% in next four years while the possible boost of coal productivity can only reach 10%, which means the demand of coal would still exceed the supply.

Second, as one of the proposed methods of preserving environment, cleaning coal in water is actually useless, even if chemicals such as sulfide are removed. Admittedly, chemical pollutants, as stated, could be washed away by rinsing coal in clear water. The vast area of ocean, however, would become the victim of such practice. Chemical substances once existed in coal are now moved to sea, contaminating this non-renewable resource.

Finally, retrieving carbon and storing them in the ocean, defined as carbon recycling, is simply not feasible since the process is extremely dangerous and costly. Providing that there is a carbon leakage, the consequence would be catastrophic both in terms of environment and human being.



1. 汞损害人的神经、免疫等系统,危害人体健康;
2. 从牙医诊所流出的汞合金废物经下水道排进江河湖泊之后,会污染水质,进而威胁野生动物;
3. 还有其他材料,比如金、陶瓷、树脂等可以取代汞合金,规避其弊端。




1. 汞合金里的汞含量很小,不足以造成人身危害,只有少数对汞过敏的人会受到影响;
2. 安装过滤隔离装置就能防止汞流进水路,造成破坏;

3. 在口腔这种湿润环境下,汞合金更耐用,而且单价也比金要便宜很多。




The reading passage presents three points to support that it is not advisable to employ mercury in dental repairs, while the speaker thinks otherwise.

To begin with, the reading states that mercury exerts malign effects on people's health by undermining human neurological, mental, and immune systems. According to the lecture, however, study has shown that small amount of mercury contained in dental amalgam is unlikely to be harmful to the vast majority of people, apart from those who are allergic to the material.

In addition, the author argues that the mercury escaped from dentists' offices through sewer networks will spoil the rivers and lakes and later pose threat to the wildlife. The professor refutes this argument by pointing out that separators, which are capable of collecting substances, can be installed in the drains to prevent the amalgam waste from entering into the waterways.

Finally, contrary to the belief in the passage that such less harmful materials as gold, porcelain and resin can replace mercury, the lecturer contends that mercury alloy lasts longer than those alternatives, as the mouth is a wet environment, and besides, it is economically more affordable, especially compared with gold, which is more expensive per unit.



Reading: Harappan(哈拉帕,一个古代群落) 衰落的原因:
1. 游牧部落的侵略,而且Harappan 的画和其他东西都表明Harappan 没有军队;
2. 气候变化导致农业减产,没有足够的剩余食物供养更多的人口;
3. 流行病大范围传播,并且喝的水污染了,传染扩大。


Listening: 反对:
1. 被侵略的城市只是Harappan 的很小一部分,Harappan 很大,少部分被侵略不会影响整个群落的衰落;
2. 同时期其他两个群落,如埃及和美索不达米亚也遇到了气候变化;但是他们适应了环境。他们能够生产出足够的食物来维持人口;
3. 说Harappan 有足够的水源,而且Harappan 在过滤水方面很先进,因此大范围的污染是不可能的,而且传染病更不能大范围传播。



The speaker contradicts the content in the reading paragraph, focusing on the three reasons for the demise of the Harappan people.

Firstly, the statement in the reading paragraph says that evidence from their remaining paintings and other relics suggest they had no army and they couldn't survive the intrusion. While based on the speaker's account, the cities invaded only comprise a small part of the whole community, which will exert a minor influence on the whole, if there is any.

Secondly, from the reading content, one reason why Harappan disappear is due to severe and dramatic climatic change, which leads to sharp decline of food supply, then it is not surprising that the community lost their base for a living. Conversely, the speaker argues against this assertion by introducing another two communities- Egypt and Mesopotamia, both of which underwent the climatic change as well, and were capable of adjusting to the environment.

Finally, the third reason the reading paragraph provides is the far-reaching epidemic, as well as contaminated drinking water that poisoned the citizens. However, according to speaker, drinking water is sufficient and the Harappan made use of relatively advanced water-filtering facilities. Therefore, the community was not likely to suffer from infected water, and the epidemic was not able to spread widely.



Reading: 美国的死谷(Death Valley)里300kg 的大石头会动,有人试着解释:
1. 风吹动的,因为存在关于山谷里有大风的纪录,而且下雨的时候,泥泞的地面变得很平,适合让风吹动石头;
2. 地下水晚上结冰,石头就能动了;
3. 人类恶搞的,比如麦田圈就是。


1. 没有风强到能吹动石头,并且给了张照片,石头陷在泥地里,按作者的理论,石头不应该陷下去的;
2. 是沙漠,水根本不够,且温度太高,就算晚上结冰,白天就化了,没法搬动石头;
3. 如果是人干的,那一定会留下痕迹,这种泥地里没有人能做到不留痕迹。而现场既没有人的痕迹,也没有马的痕迹。




The lecture and the reading both talk about moving stones in Death Valley. However, what the speaker states is quite different from the main point in the reading.

Firstly, in the reading, the author considers that stones are moved by wind. In contrast, the professor maintains the opinion that such strong wind that can move stones does not exist. Moreover, a photo shows that stones are entrapped in muddy area, which refutes the idea in the reading that muddy area is smooth.

Second, the reading asserts that stones can move because of the freezing water. On the contrary, the lecturer does not agree with such idea by pointing out that Death Valley is a desert, which means insufficient water. That is, the temperature in desert is so high that even if water can freeze at night, it will finally melt at daytime. Therefore, the professor considers that the freezing water theory is also suspicious.

Third, another theory in the reading refers to human, but the professor holds an opposite view that if the moving stones are artificial, there must be traces. What's more, no one can clear all clues in muddy place. It is also true that there are neither traces left by human nor those from horses. This directly contradicts what the reading suggests.



Reading:某个地方的洞穴Erdstall 可能有三种用途
1. 储存牲口或粮食;
2. 当住所,躲避强盗的攻击;
3. 宗教用途:灵魂等候区(为死去的人提供场所,让他们等待超生)。


Listening: 驳斥
1. 洞会漏雨水,储存食物不方便。在冬天Erdstall 都被淹没了,而且也没发现里面有谷类残留;
2. Erdstall 太小了,只能勉强装下一家人。而且存氧气很少,只够一个人的量。另外,只有一个入口,不太可能像为了逃跑设计的;
3. 宗教用途:如果是的话,应该所有有共同宗教信仰的村子都有,但是有的村子有,有的村子没有。



The reading and the listening both discuss the three functions of cave Erdstall. However, what the reading suggests is quite different from the main point stated in the listening.

First, in the reading, it is said that the cave Erdstall is used for good storage. On the contrary, the professor disagrees with this idea and then says that the cave leaked, so it is inconvenient to store food. Especially in winter, the cave was nearly overwhelmed. Moreover, no remains of grains could be found in the cave. This directly contradicts what the reading indicates.

Second, the author asserts that people could use the cave Erdstall to be a shelter, avoiding robbers' attack. In contrast, the speaker holds an opposite opinion that the cave Erdstall is too small to hold more than one person. In addition, the oxygen in the cave is ample for only one person as well. Moreover, one entry in the cave means that the cave was not used to escape or avoid assaults. This is another part where the listening contravenes the reading.

Third, the passage indicates that religious reincarnation for soul was executed in the cave Erdstall. Nevertheless, the lecturer refutes such view by pointing out that if the cave was treated as a ritual place, the Erdstall should have been found in every villafge across the whole region which shares the same religion. In fact, the Erdstall is only present in some, not all, of the villages. Thus, the religion hypothesis is also unconvincing.



1. 会使鸟聚集在一起,然后传播疾病,如红眼病;
2. 鸟类会很容易被猫这样的捕食者伤害,而且也可能会撞到窗户上;
3. 会影响它们的迁徙习惯,因为要是有足够的食物,它们就不会迁徙到暖和的地方,从而影响它们的繁殖力。



1. 鸟类聚集在一起就是它们的自然特征,而不是人类的努力能改变的;
2. 这的确是事实,但是喂鸟器会给鸟类提供足够的营养物质,让它们更健康和强壮,与减少的数量相比,总数量还是在增加;
3. 它们的迁徙信号是光照的减少,而不是食物,它们不会因为食物而留下来。




The lecture opposes the view mentioned in the reading with strong supporting evidences presented, aiming to further illustrate that birdfeeder is not as negative as stated in the reading.

Firstly, from the perspective of aggregation behavior, the professor states his doubt, because according to the lecture, although it is true that birds will transmit diseases staying together, however, rather than the effect of birdfeeders, it is the nature of birds that bring them together. Therefore, it is not the bird feeder that is to blame.

Moreover, judging from the capture by predators, the professor holds a different view, as the lecture further illustrates that birdfeeders provide nutrients to the birds and they are healthier and stronger than before, which leads to the increase in population. And it is a great benefit in contrast to the little decrease.

Last but not least, on the point of the migrating behavior, the professor never fails to express his concern, because birds migrate because of the great abundance of food.




1. 浪费时间,效率没有花在阅读或者数学上高;
2. 浪费钱,有这个钱还不如给那些基本教学资源都不足的学校;
3. 没用,大多数学生都不会成为音乐家,然后对于那些成为音乐家的学生


1. 研究表明,学习音乐的学生对于数学和阅读的领悟力强过没学过的;
2. 每个家长不需要给自己的孩子单独买乐器,节约了成本,而且学校的乐器可以用很久,根本不会浪费钱;
3. 研究表明,学过音乐的孩子以后这种对艺术的感觉不会消失,而且教育不能只着眼于现在,要考虑让学生度过充实而精彩的一生。



The lecture refutes the view mentioned in the reading with strong supporting evidences presented, aiming to further argue that it is essential for primary schools to invest on music.

Firstly, from the perspective of efficiency, the professor states his doubt, because according to the lecture, it explains that the students who have acquired music class have a better understanding as well as efficiency in reading and math.

Secondly, judging from cost, the professor holds a different view, because referring to the lecture, parents do not need to buy their children musical instrument individually, and on the contrary, the school will offer instrument and the instrument could be sustained for long.

Thirdly, on the point of practice meaning of music class, the professor never fails to express his concern, because in terms of the lecture, the sense of music will not decay with the time going, and this sense will ensure students a colorful life.

Therefore, our education should not limit the insight merely within the current effect.



1. 单一光线玻璃。
2. 彩色的玻璃。
3. 导航指引方向


Listening: 听力反对所有观点:
1. 鸟以为是镜子,同样会撞上
2. 找缝隙撞到没有颜色的玻璃上
3. 导航在短距离没效果。




The reading material has proposed three possible methods to prevent birds hitting into tall buildings, but the professor claims that none of the three methods is effective enough to hinder the problem.

First, from the perspective of glass with pure color, the professor states his doubt because according to the lecture, it explains that the birds will judge the new kind of glass a mirror and hit into the glass as usual.

Secondly, judging from the glass with multiple colors, the professor holds a different view, because referring to the lecture, birds will try to find gap between each color and try hard to squeeze into the gap.

Thirdly, on the point of man-made navigator, the professor never fails to express his concern because in terms of the lecture, although it is possible to lead the birds into the right direction, the navigator will not work that well in short distance and the birds will still hit into the building.




Reading:金星上有黄光和金光,被称为金星灰光(Ashen Light),文章解释了3个原因
1. 是金星和太阳的紫外线辐射作用,氧原子变成氧分子,这个过程产生黄光;
2. 是金星的昼侧风暴中不规律的闪光;
3. 是观察的设备或天气原因,可能这现象压根就是幻象。


Listening: 这种现象是真实的,不是幻象
1. 这个过程发出的是绿光,而不是黄光或金光;
2. 金星的昼侧是对着太阳的,但这个现象是在黑暗面被观察到的,所以不是风暴引发的;
3. 不同的观察者在不同的时间不同的地点用不同的设备看到的,所以不能说是由仪器或天气导致的错误。




None of the three hypotheses in the reading can exactly explain the existence of Ashen Light in the Venus.

Firstly, from the perspective of the interaction with the ultraviolet, the professor states his doubt, because according to the lecture, in the action of the ultraviolet, when the oxygen is transformed from atom to molecule, it is supposed to produce green light instead of yellow or golden.

Moreover, judging from flash in the storm of the day side, the professor holds a different view, as the lecture further illustrates that the phenomenon is observed in the dark side, which has contradicted to the theory of storm in the day side.

Last but not the lease, on the point of the illusion thinking the professor never fails to express his concern, because the phenomenon has been detected by different observers from diverse areas with the help of distinct devices. It is less likely to be illusion based on the fault of weather or equipment.





1. 新的西兰花不再像以前一样只能从加州通过运输转运到东海岸来卖高价,当地消费者可以购买当地种植的新品种西兰花;
2. 新品种是用传统方式种植,不像玉米用了转基因技术,消费者也会认同,购买;
3. 新的西兰花可以直接在当地收获,越新鲜营养越丰富,可以保存得更好。



1. 生产率低,产物少价格就高,跟运输费抵消了
2. 新品种和玉米都是一个公司的产品,人们不相信这个公司的玉米(转基因),自然也可以不相信新的西兰花;
3. 有些东部的蔬菜同样也有相同的营养,而且可以在夏天秋天冬天生长,不像西兰花只能在夏天生长,人们应该吃那些现有的蔬菜。




The lecture opposes the view mentioned in the reading with strong supporting evidences presented, aiming to further illustrate that the new type of broccoli will not be as popular in the market as stated.

Firstly, from the perspective of high price, the professor states his doubt, because according to the lecture, although the broccoli has been localized, but in low productivity. Therefore, even though the cost of transportation decreases, the high price based on low productivity will remain.

Moreover, judging from the reliability, the professor holds a different view, as the lecture further illustrates that the broccoli is a produce from the company, whose corn is said to have adopted genetic modification technology. Even if the broccoli has not used the technology, it is difficult for the public to believe so.

Last but not least, on the point of nutrition, the professor never fails to express his concern, because there are diverse kinds of vegetables, which are with equal nutrition but grow in every season besides summer. Therefore, in contrast to broccoli, which only produces in summer, the most available vegetables are more suitable.



Reading:应不应该在海里建人工珊瑚礁(artificial reef)1. 人工珊瑚礁给鱼类更多聚集和繁殖的空间,鱼类数量可以得到增加;
2. 人工珊瑚礁可以改进小渔民的竞争力;
3. 人工珊瑚礁可以用于回收无用的材料。



1. 鱼的总数不一定增加,这是因为珊瑚礁吸引鱼,所有鱼都跑到珊瑚礁那里去了,因此鱼的总数就减少了;
2. 不应该让私人搞小珊瑚礁,不然有安全问题:其他渔夫不知道的,下网以后就会出现问题。在浅水域,小船还会整个崩掉(cracks)。
3. 会引起环境问题,被风吹了会散开,然后把很多海洋植物和动物都搞死了。




The lecture opposes the view mentioned in the reading with strong supporting evidences presented, aiming to further illustrate that it is not a wise idea to build up artificial reef in the sea.

Firstly, from the perspective of habitat, the professor states his doubt, because according to the lecture, although the fish will be attracted by the coral reef and congregate around the habitat, competition for habitat and food sources will be fiercer than before. And this is harmful for the population growth.

Moreover, judging from the potential economic value, the professor holds a different view, the professor holds a different view, as the lecture further illustrates that there will be problems concerning safety. For example, the reef will make the sea even shallower, and if unfortunately some ship crosses over this area, the ship will crack.

Last but not least, on the point of natural resource, the professor never fails to express his concern, because in terms of the listening, there might be some environmental problems. When the dead reef is blown over the sea, it will bring danger to many marine plants as well as animals.?

