来源: 环球网校 2016-10-19 15:15:27 频道: 托福











Task 1

If youhave an opportunity to go to a free class during the weekendwhichof the following would you choose to go to public speaking, starting your ownbusiness, or photography and why? Please include details and examples in yourexplanation.


观点:public speaking
论点:1. 无论在学校还是工作都是很重要的一项技能。


PersonallyI wouldchoose to take a class on public speaking because speaking in public is such animportant skill both at school and at work. For examplemyprofessors often require us to make presentations in front of everyone inclass. However, I can’t speak fluently as usual and I forgot what I would speaksometimes. So I need to practice the skill of speaking in public. And I believethat a good expression of speaking in public will make a good impression on myboss and my coworkers. That’s why I would like to choose the class on publicspeaking.


Task 1


Do you agree or disagree that university students should takepart-time jobs?




1 带来额外收入

2 积累社会经验


I think it’s a good thing. There aresome reasons. Firstly, part-time jobs bring us money. It on one handcontributes our expensive tuition and housing and on the other hand releasesparents’ financial burden. We are therefore less worried whether we can make aliving without parents. Moreover, it accumulates social experience. There’ssomething that cannot be obtained in class, such as work experience. And duringa part-time job, we start to learn how to effectively communicate with other peersin the working surroundings and become more mature than those who have zerowork experience.


Task 1


While traveling, some peopleprefer to go to new places, and others prefer to visit familiar places. Whichdo you think is better?


观点:go to new places


1 多项活动可参与

2 提供不同的视野


Well,it might be a good idea for the old and the weak to stay in familiar placeswhere the weather is suitable and there is less chance to get them affected bydiseases in changing weather or location, but it’s not the case for the youngadults who are excited about changes. Firstly, new places bring us diverseactivities. For example, people who are used to swimming in hot summer days mayalso enjoy skiing in cold winter days. Secondly, unfamiliar places bring us newvisions. It’s a pity that people living in the equatorial area have never seensnow. And also it’s a great surprise to swim in Australia when it is winter inthe north hemisphere.


Task 2

Some people prefer to do one job or project at one time.Others prefer to do several jobs or projects at the same time. Which do youprefer and why?

观点:do several jobs or projects together

论点:1. 只做一种容易产生疲惫感

2. 能够互相借鉴


Personally speaking, I preferto do several jobs or projects together, instead of focusing on just one job orproject. First of all, it is very easy to get tired when you are doing just onejob, while doing a couple of jobs gives you a sense of diversity and constantlyrefreshes your mind. Also, when you have several projects at hand, you canalways borrow ideas from one project to be used in another. For example, we canuse the ideas from math to do a physics project.Moreover, doing multiple tasks gives you thechance to develop various skills and a greater sense of achievement.


Task2 2010/8/21

Do you agree or disagree withthe following statement? Children should be required to help with householdtasks as soon as they are old enough to do so. Use specific reasons and examplesto support your answer.


论点:1. 减轻父母负担

2. 培养生活技能


Yes, I think that doinghousehold tasks should become part of their family duties as children aregrowing up. First of all, helping with household tasks such as washing andcleaning takes off some burden on their parents. Through this way, childrenwill understand their parents’ hardship and become more mature. Secondly, italso provides children with a good opportunity to acquire skills. For example,by tidy up the toys, the children can learn the categorizing method. Finally,encouraging children to do domestic chores helps to develop their sense ofresponsibility for their own family, which will be cultivated into socialresponsibility later in life.


Task 22010/10/23

Some students like to take notes in class, whileothers prefer to mainly listen to the teacher. Which do you prefer and why?


观点:take notes


1 有助于考试复习

2 促使自己注意力集中


I prefer totake notes. There are some reasons for my choice. Firstly, it’s a better way tocatch up with exams. Although I can focus on the content when the professor isuttering, notes on PPT or blackboard tend to be more accurate and will be ofgreat help when making preparations for finals. Moreover, it’s a force to myconcentration. When taking notes, I have to fully focus on the professor inorder not to miss out any important detail he’s given that is firmly connectedwith the exam and therefore, I have to be involved during the whole class andhave no time for cell phone games or random chats with peers.


Task 3

20090329 大陆

Reading:学校决定把每个班级的人数从8 人增加到15 人。

原因:更多的学生 apply 这些课程,但是学校的师资有限。


1、减少了交流机会, 降低了课堂参与度。



In the reading passage, the universitydecided to increase the number of students in each class from 8 to 15. That’sbecause there are more students applying for these classes while the number offaculties is limited. In the listening, the male student disagrees with thisdecision. First, it will decrease the opportunity to communicate with thefaculty, leading to less participation. Second, if more students are coming,more tuition will be paid. The university can use this to pay for having morefaculties. In this way, the problem of faculty insufficiency will be solved.


Task 3



1以前她一年级时候完全不存在group study的现象,而且学习环境吵得不行。



The university posted a notice in school paper stating that new studentsare required to live in on-campus because living together will be helpful fornew students to organize study groups, and the pressure on the school parkinglot will be greatly reduced. The woman in the conversation disagrees with the policy.Firstly, study groups will involve in discussion and debates which are toonoisy for other students to concentrate. Secondlyas new students have fewerchances to go out by living on campustheir cars will occupy the parkingspace for a longer time. This will create even greater pressure on schoolparking.


Task 3

20100918 大陆

Reading:学校policy 让所有大一新生明年统一搬到baster dormitory其他年级的搬到其他宿舍,原因是这样更有利于大一学生在一起,经历同样问题可以一起商量解决,更好度过大一。





According to the reading material, theuniversity plans to have the freshmen move to the baster dormitory beginningthe next year. Other students will move to other dormitories. The main reasonis that the freshmen can gather together and communicate when they encountersimilar problems. The man in the listening material supports the policy. First,when he was a freshman, he couldn't find anyone to discuss with when he hadtroubles. He thinks if freshmen can live together, these students will notsuffer what he did in the past. Also, after he moves to a new apartment, therewill be more room for him to store his stuff.


Task 4

Reading:Echolocation: detect objects or position through the refection of sound. 许多动物看不到,但是可以躲避障碍物,捕捉食物。



Echolocation refers to the concept thatsome animals can detect positions or objects through the reflection of soundwithout eyesight. The professor gives an example of bat. Mouse is the main foodto feed bats, but mouse is only active at night. The view is terrible at night.However, it is not difficult for bats. They can use echolocation to detect theexact position of mouse. They can also detect barriers to avoid crashing onbarriers such as trees. Besides, bats can also have the ability to distinguishthe actual target from trees to mouse. That’s the echolocation helps somespecies to detect targets without seeing them actually.


Task 4

Reading: impact of bias:人们会错误地以为悲伤或者开心的情绪会一直持续下去。其实都是判断失误。但是发生其他的事情的话这种情绪就不在了。



In the lecture, the professor introducesa concept called the impact of bias. It is a psychological phenomenon that whenpeople have inaccurate expectations of the impact that a particular event willhave on them, both the intensity and length of the emotion will last. But otherevents will help people to recover. The professor gives an example of hisdaughter. His daughter wanted to apply to a university since her best friendsapplied too, and the university had a great education program. However, she wasnot admitted by the university, so she thought her life was ruined. She wasvery upset about the result and she believed that she would be upset for a longtime. On the contrary, she chose another school and it has many different kindsof activities. She then forgot whole thing and moved on.




在组织中会出现goal displacement的情况,意即organization中的人为了实现目标严格遵守相应的requirementrules,最终反而影响了goal achievement


professor 举了school 的例子。对于学校来说,保证education 的正常进行以及保证教学时间是teachersgoal,因而有些老师会用一些迟到就不让上课的rules来保证教学进行,并在平常反复强调insist严格奉行。尽管初衷是好的,但这一行为让迟到的学生miss entire class,反而进一步影响了教学时间,造成了所谓的goal displacement


Goal displacement theory describes asocial phenomenon that in the process to realize a goal, even though the teammembers involved in the project are obedient to the requirements and rules, itfails to realize the ultimate goal. The professor then talked about an examplein school. The ultimate goal of school education is to guarantee that all thestudents are given adequate time for education. To follow the goal, thosestudents who are late for class will be punished in the form of not beingallowed to have class. The original purpose of this rule is to threaten thestudents and thus they dare not come late for class. But when the teachers arestick to the rule, it turns out that students are not assigned enough time foreducation because they miss the whole class due to their lateness for class.


Task 520150705



1: 推迟表演,但是推迟后的时间正好是考试,可能没有太多观众

2: 继续表演,他练习Bob的那部分,但是练习时间太短,效果可能不怎么样


The man in the conversation is currentlyfacing a dilemma that his band is going to hold a concert next weekend, but oneof the member, Bob, cannot go with them because he will have a job interview atthat time, and Bob has solo parts. There are two possible solutions. First ofall, he can postpone the concert. Secondly, they can perform without Bob and heneeds to practice Bob’s part. I would recommend him to choose the first.Although there won’t be a lot of audience because of final exams, theperformance will be better with all members there. If he chooses to performwithout Bob, the speaker will have to practice Bob’s part in only two weeks,which is too short that the result may not be as good as performing with Bob.


Task 5



Solution1: 去掉国际和国内新闻



In the conversation, the student editorsof the campus newspaper have encountered a problem that the university has cuttheir funding off and the price of papers has raised by 25%. There are twosolutions for them. First is to cut the international and national newssection. Second, they can reduce the publishing copies. I would recommend themto take the second option. I think most of the students are willing to sharewith others. It is more important to keep the variety and range of the contentof newspapers with national and international parts in.


Task 5



1: 等室友来接她

2: 自己打车


The woman in the conversation hasencountered a problem that she forgets her coat and umbrella and it's raining.However, she has to go back home to write a paper for her history class. Thereare two possible solutions. First, she can wait for her roommate to pick herup. The second is that she can call a taxi. I would recommend her to choose thesecond option for the following two reasons. First, catching a taxi will gether back to home quickly so that she will finish her paper fast. Although it’sa little expensive, finishing the paper is more urgent. Second, her roommatehas classes all the afternoon, so she will be late when she gets home leavingher limited time to work on the paper.


Task 6


公司一般通过经本年度的 profit 在下一年进行invest 来进行增长,一般有两种方式:

1.Internal:投入公司内部的预算,比如buy new machine, training the employees.举例:Wilson公司有很多很老的机器,然后buy new machine,提高效率,吸引了customer 因为 save time,所以有了更多的客户,公司得到了增长。

2.External:buy or merge the relatedcompany,可以得到该企业的客户,实现增长。举例:Wilson并购了local supermarkets,得到了他们的客户,因为客户还是会在原来的超市购买。因此Wilson 的客户dramatically increased.


According to the lecture, the professorexplains that how company develops through investment. Overall, companiesusually invest their profits earned in the last year to develop. There are twoways to invest. The first is to invest internally, such as acquiring newmachines or training their employees. For example, Wilson had many old machinesthat are not efficient any more. After buying new machines, the efficiencyincreased a lot. Therefore, the company successfully attracted more customersand got further developed. The other one is to invest externally, such as buyingor merging the related companies. For instance, Wilson merged the localsupermarkets. The company gained customers because the customers still shoppedin the original supermarkets. Similarly, the number of its customers increasedlargely.








As stated in the lecture, beingpessimistic sometimes is beneficial. Two advantages are mentioned by theprofessor. First, people being pessimistic are used to prepare beforehand. Forinstance, if the person is pessimistic about the weather, thinking that it maybe raining the next day, so the person will bring an umbrella or rain coat withhim. Second, people being pessimistic tend not to get too disappointed whensomething bad happens since they already foresee the bad result that may takeplace. For example, if an individual is looking for a job and he is pessimisticabout it. When he cannot find a good one, he will not be too depressed.


Task 6


Lecture: 描述当代人口从大城市流向小城市的趋势,该趋势有两点好处:第一,把先进理念从大城市带到小城市。举的例子是他的一个在纽约住过的朋友,觉得纽约的bus service很好,于是回老家后建议人们完善当地的bus service。第二,提高小城市的经济和发展。举的例子还是那个朋友,回老家的时候发现当地的房子又好便宜,于是告诉他在纽约的熟人,然后可以吸引纽约的熟人来买老家的房子。


Contemporary people tend to move from big cities to smaller ones. Thereare two advantages for this trend. Firstly, it introduces the most advancedconcepts to less developed cities. Take his friend for example. He used to livein New York and considered the bus service there complete and awesome.Therefore, after moving back to his hometown, he suggested the local areaimprove the bus service. Secondly, it promotes the economy and development insmaller cities. His friend found the houses in the local area were nice andcheap, so he told this to his acquaintance in New York, and they came to buyhouses in the area.


