新概念英语第三册学习笔记:第57课 Back in the old country
来源: 环球网校 2018-11-26 09:12:23 频道: 新概念

第一段词汇解析①objective = destination。②seemed alien = looked strange。③lacked for nothing = had everything I needed。④embedded = fixed firmly and deeply。⑤mortally = fatally, leading to death。第二段词汇解析①这句话中有两个 which 引导的并列的定语从句修饰 book,第二个定语从句中还有一个省略了关系代词 that 的从句作 think 的宾语。②I should …… territory 为宾语从句。③comprehensive = complete, including a lot of different ones。④positive =absolutely sure。⑤familiar territory = well-known land。⑥句中 well 是感叹词作呼语。 第三段词汇解析①on the horizon 原意为“在地平线上”,也引申为“即将来临的”,“初露端倪的”之意。另可表达为 broaden/expand/widen one’s horizons,开阔某人的视野。 Notes 学习笔记词组归纳1.cool off2.study the map3.recover from4.be full of5.be brought up6.lack for7.the old folk8.visit sb.’s grave9.on someone’s own10.over and over again11.look at12.according to13.in the far distance14.take a turning15.take glances at16.land up17.in sight18.on the horizon19.no longer补充笔记survive 这个单词有“比……活得长”之意,请掌握以下这个经典例句:His father survived his mother [by 18 years]. 他的爸爸比他的妈妈多活了 18 年。
