新概念英语第三册学习笔记:第47课 Too High a Price?
来源: 环球网校 2018-11-26 09:27:06 频道: 新概念

第一段词汇解析①dump = throw away。②sheer volume = simply the amount。③rubbish = things/material that are/is thrown away。第二段词汇解析①这里的括号是原文本身的,并非定语符号。②leads to = results in。③dairy = milk。④abandon = give up。⑤organically-grown = grown in a natural way, without the help of chemicals。 第三段词汇解析①这个括号和问号是原文本身附有的,该部分充当插入语。Notes 学习笔记词组归纳1.pay for2.come to think about3.deal with4.turn into5.attempt to do sth.6.keep doing sth.7.sheer volume8.threaten to9.part of the problem10.lead to11.farming method12.meat products13.che choice of14.organically-grown vegetable15.go off16.a source of17.on a scale ranging from * to *18.a large number of19.apartment blocks20.make contribution to21.in public places22.public transport23.turn out24.rise to25.against these figures26.keep awake27.it seems
