来源: 环球网校 2019-10-10 10:49:02 频道: 实用英语

481. I am consumed with thoughts of you since theday you left and can’t possibly live another moment without you. 从你离开了的那一天起,我就无时不刻地思念着你,没有你我简直是一天也活不下去。consume一般作“消耗”解,也作“带有一种强烈的感情:Heis consumed with guilt/anxiety. Americais consumed with gloom. 美国笼罩在一片悲观气氛之中。

482. But she has got her eye on someone already. 但是她已经看上别人了。

483. I hear that Steve is gunning for you. 我听说斯蒂夫在准备要整你。gunfor 攻击

484. He is widely acknowledged as masterpuppeteer, pulling everyone’s strings. 他善于操纵每一个人,大家都知道他是个木偶大师。(他是个擅长权术的人)masterpuppeteer 木偶大师

485. He is a blabbermouth. 他说起话来滔滔不绝。上次我们提到过“chatterbox”,也是这个意思。或者说:Heis a talkaholic.

486. I firmly believe that white lies are OK whenemployed to spare someone’s feelings. White lies, a white lie 善意的谎言,无伤大雅的谎言。He was lying through his teeth. 他谎言连篇且毫不羞愧。

487. I took her advice to heart. 我牢记了她的忠告。记住,“牢记”是to heart,不是to memory

488. She is not serious with love,she is just a gold-digger. 她不是想真的爱,她不过是在想傍个大款。gold digger 原本指西部淘金人,现指那些想傍大款的女孩。That golddigging tramp was never in love with him; she was in lovewith his money. She would use him up and suck him dry and move on to the nextunsuspecting victim.吃软饭的人是“a gigolo or boytoy”

489. “A little birdie told me you have anadmirer,” she says. 她说:听说你还有崇拜者呢。a little birdie told me, 相当于Iam told that….也可以说:A little bird tells me that….

490. on theoff chance, 但愿,万一I bought a first edition of the book on the off chance that it mightbe valuable someday. On the off chance Barack Obama wins. 万一奥巴马赢了呢?

491. 大家知道a piece of cake的意思是“很容易”,与cake有关类似意思表达还有一个:cakewalk.Cakewalk是一种很轻松的舞步。Itis no easy cakewalk for him, but uphill climbs. 对他而言,这决不会是一件容易的挑战,而是得很费力气的事。It would be foolish to believe that to land in Taiwan would be a cakewalk. 如果以为登陆台湾是件很容易的事那就很愚蠢了。

492. jive with, jive 原意为爵士音乐,口语的意思是“聊天,胡说八道,跳爵士舞”Don’t try to jive me, I know where you were last night. Don’t give me that jive, Iknow where you were last night.

Promoting democracy doesn’t jive with our social values any more. 推动民主不再与我们的社会价值观合拍了。

493. CPR 人工呼吸 He is giving her CPR.

494. "I shall give no quarter." Said the first dueller.

"None given or asked." Replied his opponent. “我不会对你客气啦”,第一个决斗者说。“不希罕,也不想”,他的对手回答。give no quarter 不显仁慈,不让步

It's the kind of grunt work where Obama's forces have excelled, but Clinton's are giving no quarter.

495. My hunch is that what you’rereally asking is money. 我本能的猜测是你所要的实际上是钱。

496. She had a heart-to-heart talk with her beau. 他与男朋友做了一次推心置腹的交谈。beau男朋友

497. Where the heck are you? theheck 相当于on earth,你到底在哪里?

498. I heard that Steve is gunning for you. 我听说斯蒂夫想要整你。gun for 给谁穿小鞋。

499. hardwire 电脑固定不变的硬件部分,转义“本性”。 I believe that man has somepretty rotten things buried deep in his hardwiring. 我相信人有一些与生俱来的邪恶本能 We're born hard-wired with the desire for freedom. 我们生而有种追求自由的本能。

500. Fly high 振奋,成功。When the Olympics comes to China, the whole country is flying high. 当奥林匹克落户中国时,全国为之沸腾。After reading Englishteacher’s blog, everyone can fly high now as an English student. 读了英语老师的博客后,每个学生都可以象英语专业学生一样成功了。


