来源: 环球网校 2019-03-24 06:54:00 频道: 新概念



We are having lunch.

He is reading a book.

The dog is running after a cat.

The boys are swimming across the river.★变疑问句将be动词移到句首

Are we having lunch?

Is he reading a book?

Is the dog running after a cat?

Are the boys swimming across the river?★变否定句在be动词后面加 not

We are not having lunch.

He is not reading a book.

The dog is not running after a cat.

The boys are not swimming across the river.★特殊疑问句:what, which, how, where, who, etc.


What are you doing?

What is she doing?

What is the dog doing?没有进行时的动词(必背)表示状态,思想,感情和感觉的动词不能表示正在进行的动作:1. 表示感觉,感官的词

see, hear, like, love, want2. have, has当“拥有”讲时没有进行时
