来源: 环球网校 2016-09-08 15:53:09 频道: 托福





1.2011/10/16 Task 2

Do you agree or disagree that allchildren under the age of 16 should attend school.





Ithink so. There are some reasons. Firstly, children under 16 are not physicallymature and thus we assume they’re also away from mentally responsible. So theyshould be confined on campus and learn knowledge as well as responsibilityuntil 16 when the youth has started to understand the essence ofresponsibility. Moreover, learning is a process of being grown-up andindependent. When we receive certificates from the dean, it means we’requalified and mature enough to serve the country and its people.


2.20110928 Task 2

Somepeople prefer to plan what to do in their free time ahead of time, while othersprefer not to have such plans. Which do you prefer? Explain why. 观点:not to have plans




Iprefer not to have plans. There are some reasons for my choice. Firstly, itwill bring us surprises. It is understandable when some interesting places arefirst visited by travelers. These people surely have no plans for the visit,because there is no manual book to refer to, but the unexpected visit may makethe whole trip marvelous. Moreover, not everything can be planned beforehand,such as bad weather, traffic jam and car accident. When the plan is disturbed,the emotion is also ruined. Therefore, why don't we skip planning at first, andleave ourselves more free time for enjoyment?


3. 20150614 Task 5

Problem: 女生需要去教男生准备第二天的考试,但是她也需要跟朋友去看play

Solution 1:play,明天8点钱辅导男生

Solution 2: 直接辅导男生,不去看play


Inthe conversation, the woman has encountered a problem that whether she choosesto teach a male student chemistry for his exam tomorrow or see a play tonightwith her friends. There are two possible solutions. She can either teach theman at 8 a.m. tomorrow morning or choose not to go to the play. I wouldrecommend the second one. The man is going to have the test tomorrow at 10a.m., so teaching him at 8 a.m. leaving him very limited time to study for thetest. Also, she promised him before, so she’d better keep her words. Althoughshe will miss the play, she can pick another night with her friends.


4. Task 6

Listening: two types of suspense in a movie





Listening: 商业行为的关键并不是实际等待的时间,而是conceived waiting time

1 让顾客有事可做


2 告诉顾客他们实际上等待了多久。最常见的就是火车站



Listening: 讲外来植物对本地植物的影响。举了两个例子:




Asstated in the lecture, new species can affect native species in an environment.The professor gives two examples. First, a type of trees called the “saltytree” had been introduced into South Africa. The original purpose of doing thiswas to stabilize the local sand dunes there. However, these trees grew too tallthat they block the sunlight, leading neighboring native plants lack sunlight.The second example is about the “bulk tree” that was introduced to western U.S.since it was attractive. This type of trees had a highly developed root systemthat absorbed a lot of water from underground, leading to insufficientunderground water resources for native plants.














Reading: 1. 把牛角给卸了,这样猎人就不愿意去杀犀牛;










Reading: 起不到用处





Listening: 从三个方面进行反驳






Thelecture objects to the view mentioned in the reading with strong supportingevidences presented, aiming to further demonstrate the effectiveness of thedevice to collect water in desert.


Firstly,from the perspective of the cost, the professor states his doubt, becauseaccording to the lecture, considering that the device can be repeatedly usedfor 20 times, the current price is reasonable enough.


Moreover,judging from the willingness to set up the device, the professor holds adifferent view, as the lecture further illustrates that the device benefits thelocals in two ways. On one hand, the water collected in the device can be usedto water the vegetables and on the other hand, the trees after growing up canbe logged. And thus the locals are willing to do so.


Lastbut not least, on the point of the survival of vegetation, the professor neverfails to express his concern, because in terms of the listening, once the treereaches water sources and takes root in the deeper soil, over 90% of the treescan grow well independently without the help of the device.



7. Do you agree ordisagree with the following statement? In order to attract good students, auniversity should spend a lot of money funding social activities.


论点:1. 首先谈论好学生的标准;




Iunderstand the need for a university to want to attract a lot of good students,however, it should not come at the price of education. Funding a lot of socialactivities is definitely a great way of attracting good students and a goodreputation, but just like anything in life we have to look at the pros andcons.


Tostart off, what is a good student? Are we talking about someone who is a geniusat math, a potential star quarterback or a future valedictorian? If the schoolis looking for the coming years ‘mathlete’ lineup they should fund an eventmathlete would be interested in, and the same goes for the other kinds ofactivities. Needless to say, different social groups are interested in differentactivities.


Ibelieve that there are two kinds of students, extremely motivated ones who havea well thought-out career plan and the ones who attend university because it isthe norm. Even though social events might be interesting for both parties, frompersonal experience I know for a fact that the second group of students wouldbe a lot more impressed by them compared to the first group. For people notinterested in becoming a doctor, lawyer or any other profession needingstraight A’s, those events are what university are all about.


Onthe other hand, the average good student does not choose to attend a universitybecause of the social activities they can participate in at that university,but rather how the university will help them to achieve their dreams. Hostingevents is a great way to keep up school spirit, but not the ideal way toattract good students. Instead of spending a lot of money on events they couldinvest more money into good teachers, making the educational institute moreattractive to motivated students. After all, there is plenty of time to partyand mingle, but if you don’t reach the grade that you needed you are going tohave to pay for it later.


Inshort, spending the majority of the money on improving the quality of educationwould lead to higher average grades and more interested applicants. As in anybusiness, marketing is not something that can be thrown aside, so fundingevents is also key to attracting students and future funding. For this reason,I feel that it is important to find the proper balance between quality ofeducation and social events. School spirit is one of the major motivators for abig share of the students and should therefore not be taken lightly.


8. Many high schoolstudents are doing a lot of school work already. Some people believe thatstudents should help their parents with household chores, since it’s the bestway to give them a sense of responsibility.


论点:1. 学习不应该成为懒惰的借口;




9. Do you agree ordisagree with the following opinion? The most important goal of education is tohelp people educate themselves?


论点:1. 教育的本质就在于能让人自学,比如很多中国学生被进行填鸭式教学,导致无法独立思考,从而无法自我教育,这对大学教育来说是非常不好的;



