来源: 环球网校 2019-10-10 10:55:27 频道: 实用英语

461.You need to keep your instincts under wraps. 你要克制住冲动。The financial details of the case have been kept firmly under wraps. 这单生意的财务细节绝不向外人透露(仍旧处在保密中)。The identity of the buyer is still under wraps. 买家身份仍旧是个迷。

462. A surprise witness proved to be the wild card at the trial. wildcard:出其不意的一招。One wild card is to propose to her in front of the whole class. 当着全班的面向她求婚,这会是最厉害的一招。

463.egg on促使,唆使,加剧egg on:Jack is always egging me on to drive faster.杰克老是怂恿我开快车。Seemingly quiet,Margo actually eggs on Donald to quarrel with his staff. Margo看起来一言不发,但他实际上在唆使Donald与职工们干仗。People are upset with the bad roads, egged on by soaring food prices.大家对路况本来就厌恶了,现在食品价格飞涨更是让人不安。要注意的是,这里的egg与鸡蛋无关,此词的来源是从“eggja”衍生来的,意思是“edge”,所以“edge on”与“egg on”是同义词,但是egg on更流行一点。

464.toss oneself into 不知不觉投入 He tossed himself into this pro-democracy movement that is gaining slowly thousands of adherents.他不知不觉中投入到了民主运动的行列,现在民运正在慢慢成长,获得了成千上万的积极投入者。

465.Carve out 获取 He carved out a successful career.他事业有成。She carved out a reputation for herself asa high-powered lawyer.

466.run into a wall, run into a stone wall or run into a brick wall意思都一样,都是“碰壁,遇阻”。 We tried to get faster approvalfrom the town and ran into a stone wall, For Allan, learning a foreign language amounted to running into a brick wall. 对Allen而言,学习一门外语意味着要克服巨大的困难。

467.Laoyang, you are at work now. You should be working hard, not cruising thedating sites. 老杨,你现在在工作,就得好好工作,拜托不要老在那些婚介网站上跑来跑去好不好?cruise 巡航,游览。He cruised to the victory. 他一路顺利,直到最后胜利。Cruise是个很有用的词,现在很多汽车里都有cruise的装置,“自动巡航”。Youcan set on the cruise, and relax. cruise missile 巡航导弹。That dude hasbuilt a cruise missile in his own garage, on a budget of just US$5,000.那个老兄在自己家的车库了花了不过5000美元就造出了一枚巡航导弹。

468.You should put your money where your mouth is. 你提倡这事,就得在这事上花钱。

469.She is a bust, a loser. 她是个破罐子。They are bust. 他们破产了。

470.Let's go,pedal to the metal! 走了,我们现在全速前进。pedal to the metal是“一脚油门踩到底”的意思,也就是把车开到最高速度。Chinese car industry puts pedal to the metal for Auto-Expo.中国汽车工业卯足全力来参加汽车展览。

471. We have some big projects in the pipeline. Pipeline是油管的意思。此句的意思是:我们有好几个大的项目即将进行。

472. He is a brainy guy. 他非常有头脑。

473. I caved in and gave him my phone number. 我妥协了,给了他我的电话号码。

474. Finally, my luck is taking a turn. 终于,我时来运转了。

I feel like I’ve hit the jackpot. 我感到我撞大运了。Jackpot是赌博用的工具,hit the jackpot就是赢了大钱。

475.Friends on net can email each other till cows come home, but a real live phone call can mean much more. till cows come home 很长时间,无止境 You don’t have to wait till cows come home. I will do it for you right away.

476. I can’t imagine my role as house frau after marriage. a house frau 家庭主妇(有点不快乐的那种)She is not a suburban house frau any more. frau是个德文单词,意思是“女士,夫人”,例如:Frau Smith, Frau Holle。

477. In the small hours of that day, he killed 10 people.那天他在短短的几个小时内就杀了十个人。small hours 就几个小时

478. I like to come home from work, have dinner, chill out for a little bit, and then go to bed. 下班后,我只想回家,吃顿晚饭,放松一会,然后睡觉。 I was worried about the kids, and he told me I should just chill out. We are chilling out great. Don't let it bother you--just chill out. chill out 放松,高兴高兴。

479. I feel like I am having an out-of-body experience. 我感到我有点魂不附体了。(我觉得我是语无伦次了。)


A. Where are your children? B. I assume they’re lurking somewhere. A 你的小孩呢?B. 我想他们就在附近玩耍吧。


