来源: 环球网校 2019-10-10 11:12:29 频道: 实用英语

421. There is a dark cloud over her. 她的前景不妙。

422. He is a late-blooming challenger. 他是个后起之秀。

423. Love doesn’t necessarily translate into a marriage. 爱情并不意味着总会演变成结婚。

424.He is going to take the No.2 spot. 他会当第二把手。

425. If you want to study English well, you need to spend two solidhours under your belt. 如果你想学好英语,那你就得扎扎实实花上两年的时间。Under your belt 扎扎实实。Once a medical student has anatomyunder her belt, she’ll have much less to memorize. 医学生如果把解剖学扎实学好了,那么其他要记的东西就不多了。注意与268句中的below the belt的区别。

426. He is addicted to the computer games, and he is playing it 24/7. 24/7指24小时与七天,所以这句话的意思“他玩电脑游戏上了瘾,一天到晚沉迷其中。”

427. His proposal doesn’t sit well with him, manager of thedepartment. 他的议案不太合他这个部门经理的意。

428. Ihear you. 我明白你的意思。我明白你所指。也可以说:I got you.

429. Everyone likes his rags-to-riches story. 大家都喜欢他脱贫致富的故事。

430. It is the rugged origina. 这绝对是原创。the rugged original 前人没有做过的事

431 She snooped through his things for his affairs. 她把他的东西都翻了一遍,想要找他外遇的证据。

432. Why don’t you cut the crap? 你不要胡说一通了。Just cut the crap, will you, and tell me what really happened last night. 不要胡诌了,告诉我昨晚真正发生的事情。要注意这个用法比较粗鲁。

433. He doesn’t know how to manage his money, and he has already landed himself almost 10,000 Yuan in debt. Land这里做“陷入”解释。He landed a good job immediately after his graduation. 他一毕业就找到了一份不错的工作。

434. A glass of red wine a day could keep tumors at bay, according to a study of men with lung cancer. 一项对男子肺癌研究的报告表明:每天红酒一杯可以防癌。keep something at bay 不让。。近身;防止恶化 But white wine seemed to have the opposite effect. 但是白酒却有相反的效应。

435. out of the blue, 突然,Out of the blue, he started yelling at everyone. 他突然对大家大声嚷了起来。

436. USA is a cultural melange. 美国是个文化大熔炉。Melange的另一个更为流行的说法是:melting-pot

437. He dipped his food twice at the sauce. Double dipping is just gross. 他两次把食物去沾佐料。重复沾佐料太恶心。That’s like putting your whole mouth right in the dip! 这就好像是把整个嘴都舔进佐料了。

438. Her creative idea won her a lot of oohs and aahs from her co-workers. oohs and aahs 赞叹声。她的创意为她赢得了同事们的一片赞叹声。

439. Now I’m going through a living hell without you. My life is falling apart. 没有你,我此刻简直就是掉进了活生生的地狱。我的生活正变得破碎不堪。

440. Giving should never be a contract; it should be a gift without strings.付出(奉献)决不是合同,而应该是不附带任何条件的礼物。 without strings 不附加任何条件


