来源: 环球网校 2019-10-11 10:05:07 频道: 实用英语

301.I wish there could be a course on surviving the office jungle. 我真希望有个课程教我们在办公室丛林中如何生存。Office jungle, 指办公室里复杂的人事关系,流言蜚语。

302.I have to attend an off-site meeting. 我要外出开会。I will be off-site and unreachable for the rest of the afternoon. 我要出去一下,下午就不要找我了。

303.Let me give you some broadstroke ideas and you can fill in the rest.如果你是老板,你就可以这么对下属说:我给你一些基本的想法,其余细节的由你去补充。“补充细节”还一个说法:I will let you iron out the details. 请你把细节弄妥。Can you iron that out? 你能把那件事摆平吗?

304.Ill be out of the office for a couple hours with senior management,but you can reach me on my mobile. 我要出去一两个小时,陪高层管理人员,要找我的话,你可以打我的手机。

305. Great job on the report. Its good to see you take such boldinitiative! 报告写的不错,你能这样积极主动实在不错。

306. Ill think about it. 让我考虑考虑。这话实际上是拒绝的委婉语。

307. Lets push the boundaries on this project. We need something reallyinnovative! Throw out the conventions, I want something edgy! 这个项目需要一些更加大胆的想法,我们得找些真正的创新意念。不要管那些老黄历,我要的是创新。

308. Think up ways of solving these problems. 动动脑,想些法子解决这些问题。

309. I hate my dead-end, crappy job. 我恨死了这个没有任何前途、烦人的工作。I am a greeter at this five star hotel, it is a dead-end job. 我是这个五星级酒店的迎宾员,毫无晋升的机会。But you canlook at this issue this way: A dead-end job is there to provide a steppingstone for upward-bound employees. 但你可以这样来看这个问题:这种死工作是为那种有上进心员工预备的一块跳板。

310. Were often pulling some long hours but without extra pay. 我们常常超常加班,可是没有加班工资。

311. To make people like you in the office: Start a friendly chitchat with your colleagues. Chitchat 很随意的聊天,交谈;

312. Make your cubicle neat, tidy and make it a homey charm. 把你的办公桌弄得干净整洁,像家一样温馨。

313. Pay for gas if you carpool with your colleagues. 如果你搭顺风车,记得给车主加油。

314. Are you a consumer-friendly person? 你对顾客体贴入微吗?

315. It is a foul play not to tell the customers upfront what the cost is. 你在一开始就告诉客人费用是多少,否则的话是很不公平的。

316. In the best of all worlds, you will get 80% of what you have been offered for your salary. Oftentimes you won’t even get that. 在世界上最好的公司,你的工资能达到公司所承诺的80%就很不错了,常常你连这个数都得不到。

317. Don’t apply for credit cards willy-nilly, don’t use the credit cards willy-nilly. 不要随意地去申请信用卡,也不要随意地去使用信用卡。

318. You need be always ready for a ballpark idea of the cost to your clients. Give me a ballpark figure.告诉我大致数额是多少。ballpark大致,一定范围内的,

319. You will get crunched if you have a poor credit history. 如果你信用记录差的话,你做事就不会那么容易了。在口语里,crunch又作俯卧撑解:I need to do 200 crunches everyday to get rid of my spare tire. 我每天得做两百次俯卧撑来消除我的肚腩。

320. You must greet new clients with polite professionalism. 凡有新顾客,你都得做到敬业周到。


