来源: 环球网校 2020-02-03 10:43:36 频道: 实用英语


I want to talk to you.我有话要对你说.

Can we talk?

I'd like to talk with you.

Are you seeing anyone now? 你有朋友吗?

Yeah, kind of. 嗯,怎么说呢…

Do u have a boyfriend/girlfriend now?

Are you dating anyone now?

Do you have a partner?

What do you think of me?


What do you think about me?

I think you're great.

I love you. /I'm in love with you.

You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.你是我见到过的最美的女人.

You're the most beautiful woman I know.

I'm crazy for you.伱使我发疯.

I'm crazy about you.

I'm infatuated with you. 你使我神魂颠倒

Don't play hard to get. 别装腔作势

She wouldn't even talk to me. 甚至

She's playing hard to get.她在吊你的胃口

Don't be a tease. 戏弄

Don't play games.

Don't pretend you don't want me.

I don't want to get serious yet.


I want you to meet my parents.

I'm not ready for a commitment.

I don't want to be tied down.

I just want to have fun.

It was love at first sight.这是一见钟情.

I fell in love with u the first time I saw u.

I loved u the first time I laid eyes on u.

I wish I had never met you. 我真希望从来没遇到过你.

I regret meeting you. 后悔认识了你

I wish you were never a part of my life.

You're my type. 你是我喜欢的那种类型.

Why do you like me?

You're the right girl for me.

You're my kind of woman/man.

You make me happy.你使我感到幸福. --You do, too.

I'm happy to have known you.


I'm happy to have been a part of ur life.


