来源: 环球网校 2020-02-11 12:35:24 频道: 实用英语

Steal someone’s thunder 窃取某人的方法;抢某人的风头

Others may want to steal your thunder when they realize your ideas are pretty solid. 要是别人意识到你的想法很好的话,他们可能会抢走你的想法。

Today is your day! I don’t want to steal your thunder. 今天是你大喜的日子,我不想抢你的风头。

Stab someone in the back 背后下毒手;冷箭黑枪


Such a vicious lie could be nothing but a stab in the back. 这样恶毒的谎言简直就是背地里向人捅刀子。

He would find every opportunity to stab in the back of others. 他一有机会就在背后中伤他人。

Below the belt 暗箭伤人;违规行为

拳击比赛中不允许选手打击对手腰带以下的部位,如果打了就属于违规的,使用不正当手段的。它和stab in the back意思相近。比如:

Most of the criticism hit below the belt. 大多数的批评都是恶意中伤。

It is not the time for you to hit below the belt. 现在不是你玩手段的时候。

恶性的竞争让人胆寒,但是对于帮了自己的人却bite the hand that feeds you,就让人心更寒了。

Bite the hand that feeds you 恩将仇报


I can’t understand why you should have spent so much time helping Lucy. Don’t you know that she’s the one who would bite the hand that feeds her? 我真搞不懂你干嘛花那么多时间帮Lucy。难道你不知道她是那种恩将仇报的人吗?

越是看多了是非恩怨,越渴望能拥有公平竞争的环境。也就是a level playing field.

A level playing field公平竞争的环境

Money doesn’t interest me as much as a level playing field. 和金钱相比,我更关心一个平等竞争的平台。

相信每个人都希望自己所处的是一个a decent society with a level playing field and fair competition under the rule of law. 一个廉洁,机会均等、公平竞争的法治社会。好了,了解了这么多“手段”,该呼吸点轻松空气了。Let’s call it a day.


