来源: 环球网校 2019-10-10 11:15:09 频道: 实用英语

441.Can you just give me a snapshot of yourself? 你能不能给我做一个简单的自我介绍?snapshot:一分钟快照。

442.He has interviewed a few people but nothing has panned out, so he isstill looking for someone. pan 淘金,成功。The project didn’t pan out. 这个项目没有做成。If I don’t pan out as a musician,I can always go back to school. 如果我无法成为音乐家的话,我随时都还可以再退回到学校重来。I don’tknow how things will pan out now the company’s been taken over. 现在公司被收购了,我不知道下一步的进展如何。

443.Don’t be such a stubborn fool for holding out hope that he’ll changehis mind. 不要犯傻了,寄希望他会回心转意的。Hold out hope 坚持希望 There is no sign the storm will stop, we can only hold out hope thatsomeone will come to our rescue.

444. I really enjoy my escapades bywandering around in mountains. Escapade 相当于adventure.

445. Linda is strictly by-the-book. 林达是位严格照章办事的人。Judge Neil runs his courtroom efficiently and by the book. by thebook, 照章办事。有部电影叫“Going by the book”,中文翻译是“率性而活”,这个翻译恰好翻反了。

446.His coldnesshas put me off. put off 一般意思是“推迟”,例如:He always puts off paying his bills.但这里的意思是“他的冷淡让我不敢接近他。”His bad manners put her off.他恶劣的态度让她倒胃口。

447.His joke really cracked me up.他的笑话真把我给逗晕了。crack up 大笑不已Everyone in the room is cracking up. 房间里的每个人都开怀大笑起来。

448.Herrecent divorce has sent her into an emotional tailspin. 她最近离婚后,情绪极度低落。tailspin: 飞机向下俯冲

449.blah, blah, blah.等等一些(废)话。He said thank-you, think-of-you,blah, blah, blah. 他道过谢,又说了想念你等好些话。

450.Go to talk with Jack. Heknows him so it shouldn’t be hard for you to get his lowdown. lowdown 内部消息,个人信息。“去跟杰克谈谈,他认识他,所以你应该很容易得到他的一些个人资料。”

451.三个结构相似的词组:Wall to wall;Bumper to bumper;Paycheck to paycheck 第一个词组的意思是“挤满了,所有的”,There are wall to wall students in every classroom. (现在的高中)每间教室都挤满了学生。Independent channels are promising wall-to-wall coverage of the Olympics. 第二个词组的意思是“车挤得一辆接一辆”(bumper是汽车的前后保险杠)。The cars are bumper to bumper everyday in Beijing.Only crazy people love to make a living there. 每天北京的交通是挤得水泄不通,只有神经病人才愿意在那里去讨生活。第三个词组的意思是“工薪族”:We are ordinary people, making ends meet by paycheck to paycheck. 我们不过是普通百姓,靠每月的工资才能度日。(不会有存款之意)

452.redux 这个词很多辞典没有收录,但有时也会有人使用,意思是“旧事重提”,Their redux reopens old wounds. 他们旧事重提,揭开了旧的伤痕。另一个类似的口语是rub it in:I know I was stupid at that time, but you don’t have to rub it in. 我知道我当时极不明智,但你也不必老是提此事好不好。

453.tradeoff: 利益交换,权衡,折中I am still debating the tradeoffs between going or not going. 我仍在想来想去,是去还是不去。A classic trade-off in business is the trio of time, money and quality. It is generally considered that only two of the three can be anchored at any given moment. 商业中一个经典的利益交换例子就是时间、金钱与质量三者之间的关系。一般认为,在一个时刻,三者中只能同时获得两者。经济学的核心问题就是一个tradeoff的问题。

454.Can you just give me a snapshot of yourself? 你能不能给我做一个简单的自我介绍?snapshot:一分钟快照。

455. Ifeel wilted now after a full day of work. 干了整整一天的活后,我感到筋疲力尽了。Wilt本来的意思是指植物“枯萎”,如wilted flowers, 借指“疲劳,麻木”,a wilted soul。

456.shoddy:a crappy job/furniture crappy weather What a crappy thing to say about anyone! Why do you like these crappy movies? Shoddy质量很差的东西 China is well-known for its shoddy and unsafe products.

457.I am no spring chicken. 我已经不是(精力旺盛的)年轻人了。spring chicken不到一年的嫩鸡,喻年轻人。不一定只用于女性。

458.Can you crank up the volume a little bit? 你能把音量调高一点吗?

459.He is raised in a tight-knit family. 他在一个关系亲密的家庭长大。a tight-knit 关系密切或严密,a tight-knit organization 一个严密的组织,例如共产党。

460.My daughter blows me a kiss. 我的女儿给了我一个飞吻。


