来源: 环球网校 2019-10-11 10:08:08 频道: 实用英语

281. Where are you from? I am local. I was born and bred here.(你是哪里人?我是本地人,我是生于斯长于斯) breed 喂养。一般说法是grow up, I grew up here dirt-poor. 我生长在一个贫穷的家庭。我是外地人:I am from out of town.

282. Be my guest.请便,随你的便,你想干嘛就干嘛。

283. Suit yourself. 随你的便。

284. The first step is a doosey. Watch that first step, it is a doosey. 万事开头难。第一步总是有风险的。

285. Don’t worry about that situation. It will eventually work itself out. 不要为那种状况担心,肯定会车到山前必有路的。

286. I am sorry. I’m just zoned out for some reason. Can you say that again? 对不起,不知道为什么,我有点迷糊了。你能再说一遍吗?zone out 走神,不能集中注意力。I dont know what happened after that. I just sorta zoned out.

287. tight是口语中常用的一个词汇,应该多多了解。

Airtight case 无可争辩的事实 It’s an airtight case: New green building is very energy efficient.无可争辩,新的环保建筑的确节省能源。

Tightknit 关系密切 We are a tightknit tribe here. 我们这帮哥们关系可铁呢。或者就说tight,也是这个意思:Do you know Tim? Sure, he and I are tight. 你认识Tim吗?那当然,他和我可铁了。

tightlipped smiles.皮笑肉不笑,强挤出来的笑

He is tightlipped about the information. 他对这些情况守口如瓶。

He doesnt go out with the lads so much these days. Michelle keeps him on a tight leash. On a leash的意思是牵着狗,on a tight leash就是溜狗时紧紧抓住绳索。“这些日子他不再跟见其他女孩子了,米薛看他可看得紧了。”

Just sit tight while I go and phone for help. 我去打电话求救,你坐好不要动。

Sit tight and dont move that leg. 你安静地坐好,不要老动那条腿。

Tight spot 困境: If there is a shortage of fuel, everyone who drives to work will be in a tight spot. 如果汽油供应再跟不上,开车上班族就麻烦了。

Bobs in a tight spot right now because he has fallen behind in his work. 巴伯完不成任务,麻烦大了。

You need to get your story down tight. The time for interview is limited. 你得把经历讲得短而精,因为你面试的时间十分有限。

I want to argue with him but his logic is way too tight. 我想跟他辩,但他的逻辑是滴水不漏。

288. He ran for five miles, and he even didn’t break a sweat. 他跑了五英里,连汗都不出,小菜一碟。

289. What is that all about? 到底发生了什么事?这究竟是怎么回事?

290. I am racking my brain, but I can’t imagine why you’ll make this up. 我绞尽脑汁,也想不出你为什么要编这样一个故事来哄我?

291. Pay 与payoff 意思不一样。Pay是工资,是进帐;payoff是付款,是支出。

This is my pay day. 今天我发薪水。Is that your payoff to the debt? 这笔钱是用来还款的吗?

Efforts and perseverance will finally pay off for democracy. 只有坚持、努力,民主必将成正果。

Patience has a future payoff, but impulse pays off now. 耐心的收成在日后,性急的收成在眼前。

Being a government stooge doesnt always pay off 做政府的哈巴狗并不是次次都会得意。

Payoff 也作“贿赂”解释,Payoff to the government officials is a common practice in this country. 在这个国家贿赂政府官员是种例行公事。

292. I have a little situation here. 这里的Situation意思是problem。285例句中的situation实际上也是这个意思。

293. Hats off to Andy, who teaches English for free here. 美国人唱国歌时,要脱帽。所以脱帽就是“致敬”的意思。向Andy致敬,他在这里免费教英语。如果你没有帽子,觉得说这话不妥,也可以直接说salute,Salute to Andy.

294. fired up: I am really fired up for the race. Fired up 情绪高昂,斗志高昂

295. Soup up 原指把普通车改装成赛车,现在也指改进设备。He souped up his old car. 他自己把就车改装成了赛车。The company spend billions on souped-up broadband services. 公司投资数十亿用来提高宽带网的服务质量。Souped-Up Student Housing 豪华学生公寓(指里面设施齐全)

296. coffeed up 有人早晨非得喝杯咖啡来提神才能开始一天的生活,这就叫coffee up, He needs to be coffeed up before starting his work.

297. Beef up 吃牛肉就会有力,You need to be beefed up a little more.

298. A tomboy attitude 女孩子学男孩样,假小子, As soon as she entered middle school, Xiaoli developed a tomboy attitude and got in fights. 小莉一进中学,就野得像男孩一样,常常打架。

299. I will go full out for it. 我会全力以赴的。

300. Nice job. 干的不错。 Nice efforts. 用了不少功,努力可嘉。相当于中文的“精神可嘉”,注意,这是多半在一个人失败时,或取得的成绩不理想时说的话,属于安慰语。Interesting.说这个词时,多半是委婉语,表示不太相信别人说的话,或不太赞同一件事。初学者不要随便用这个词,最好不要对别人说:Your story is very interesting. 你的故事很有趣呀。这句话听起来是说,我并不相信你的故事。


