来源: 环球网校 2020-02-03 10:47:53 频道: 实用英语


Tom is a lady-killer. 汤姆是个美男子.

Tom dates around a lot. …和好多女人来往

Tom is a real playboy.

Tom really turns me on. ..真让我神魂颠倒(汤姆真让我神魂颠倒)

I'm crazy about Tom.

I have strong feelings for Tom.

I love Tom.

I have the hots for Tom. *俚语。

I didn't know you felt that way.

Chris is really a heartbreaker. …长得真帅(克里斯长得的真帅)

Chris breaks a lot of hearts.

Chris dates a lot of women.  。

Janet is a knockout. 珍妮特真迷人.

You can say that again! 颇有同感

Janet is sexy.

Janet is beautiful.

I think he has a crush on u.他好像看上你了.

Give me a break. 别随便瞎说。

I think he is infatuated with you.被...迷住

I think he likes you.

Jane seems to like me.


I've got the feeling that Jane likes me.

I think Jane likes me.

I have a hunch that Jane likes me. 预感

Diana's been coming on to Jack.对.有意思(丹娜对杰克有意思.)

I can't handle a girl like her. 对待


She's too much for me.

I'm dying to see her. 忍不住(想)…


I'm trying to make a pass at her.追求,求爱(我想追求她.)

I don't blame you. 我理解你

I'm trying to pick her up.我想把她弄到手

I'm trying to get a date with her. 和..约会

You broke my heart.你也太狠心了.

I didn't mean to...我不是那个意思…


