来源: 环球网校 2020-02-12 13:15:26 频道: 实用英语

1.Okay. Then I'll make a deal with you. I'll practice with you for one hour every day, right after I get off work, up until I leave for Stanford.


【解说】今天的句子选自电影《查理的生与死 Charlie St. Cloud (2010)》一起来学一个用法,make a deal with 与…达成协议;与…做买卖;和…妥协。大家注意语音语调。

2. As you get jostled in the daily rough and tumble, does it feel like other people care less about how rough you have it and how much you're getting tumbled?


【解说】今天滴句子选自【科学60秒】系列,jostle v. 推挤,撞;争夺 n. 推撞,挤拥;rough and tumble 争夺;乱作一团。这句话某vi,觉得很不错呢, 大家可以活学活用哦。

3. Between persons of equal income there is no social distinction except the distinction of merit.


【解说】今天的句子摘自美文《平等和伟大》,究竟神马才是平等的、伟大的呢。没有很难的词汇,大家注意掌握这2个单词的发音;distinction n. 区别;差别;特性;荣誉、勋章;merit n. 优点,价值;功绩;功过

4. So I ask you now to charge your glasses once again to Mark and his Natasha.


【解说】今天的句子选自《BJ单身日记 Bridget Jones's Diary》,很短但是挺实用的一句话, 大家可以试着多多用到日常生活中哦!这里的 charge意思是“装,装载;装满,盛满;使充满”;例句:Please charge your glasses and drink a toast to the guests from afar !请大家将酒杯斟满,向远方的来客敬酒!

5. I'm not everyone's cup of tea.


【解说】今天的句子选自电影《美食、祈祷和恋爱 Eat Pray Love 》;cup of tea [口语]1. 喜爱的事物;中意的人 2. 特指的人(或事物),有某种特点的人;原来“你不是我的那杯茶”是介么来的呀。

6. Now I know that in order to grow and flourish I must spare no efforts in doing things and keep a little in advance of the times.


【解说】今天的句子选自《精选美文诵读》,in order to是固定用法,意思是“为了......”,spare no efforts in doing something是固定短语,意思是“不遗余力做某事,全力以赴做某事”

7. In fact, he wasn't really crying — it had been years since he'd really cried — but he knew that if he screwed up his face and wailed, his mother would give him anything he wanted.


【解说】今天的句子选自《哈利·波特》英文原版小说,screw up 表示“(因光强、疼痛等)扭曲(面孔、眼睛)”还可以表示“把(某物)弄糟;搞乱某事”,wail v. 哀号;悲叹 n. 哀号;悲叹;恸哭声。


