来源: 环球网校 2019-10-12 09:47:45 频道: 实用英语

201. Are you two ganging up on me? 你们两人是不是在串通来整我呀?gang 作动词就是串通一气,例如打牌,几个人串通一气来对付一个人。You should not gang up on the weak ones. gang的本来意思是帮派,街上的那些混混在一起就是gang.。中国几十年前流行的一个词组,“gang of four”(四人帮),这个译法总有点让人感到不严肃。应该译为“The Extreminists Four”, “Four Extreme Leftists”or “Mao’s Four” 。

202. He beat his brains out studying but could not keep up with the rest of his class. Beat one’s brains意思是用工努力,“他已经绞尽脑汁,但是赶不上同班同学。”“绞尽脑汁”还一个说法:rack up one’s brain,例句:I am racking my brain, but I can’t imagine why you’ll make this up. 我绞尽脑汁也弄不明白你为什么要编这瞎话。No-brainer 名词:根本就不必用脑去想都能明白的事,Learning Chinese can be a no-brainer if you know the right method. 如果方法得当,学中文不过是小菜一碟。The exam is a no-brainer. 这次考试闭了眼也能答出。No-brainer也可以做形容词:a no-brainer action movie 情节简单的动作片,This book contains 20 no-brainer ways to improve your English vocabulary. 这本书介绍了20种简易的方法来提高英语。

203. off-shore bank account, 境外的银行帐户,意思是为躲避纳税,或说明钱的来路不正。Many communist party officials have off-shore bank accounts, this is an open secret.

204. flip-flop 变来变去,例如某党的政策变来变去就是flip flop。

205. trendy, 时髦,是fashionable的意思。

206. It is time to strike up the band, air up the baloons and invite all of your friends to join in the celebration. strike up the band乐队奏乐; Air up the baloon 放气球。

207. They treat me like a doormat. I felt so let down.大家把我简直就不当人对待,我感到太沮丧了。Doormat是进门前的门垫,任由人踩。

208. bleeding edge 直译的意思是让人出血的刀刃,实际意思是“还没有完善、成熟的尖端技术(所以会让人受伤)”No longer bleeding edge, mobile and wireless are becoming essential part of the modern office. 移动无线已已经今非昔比了,现在成为办公室不可缺少的工具。

209. blue-sky蓝天,转意为“大胆”,例句: The government has been doing some blue-sky thinking on how to improve public transport.

210. chillout music 由电子乐器演奏的安静的音乐。I love chillout music. It is a great way to lie back, relax, and drift into another world.

211. raise the red flag 报警,引起注意 If you write too much on democracy, it will raise the red flag and the National Security guys will watch you.如果你写太多关于民主的文章,就会引起当局的注意,国-安局的人就会盯上你。

212. He is spending like a drunken sailer. Sailer(水手)一到一个海港便急着找地方花钱,所以形容一个大手大脚就说他花钱像一个喝醉了水手。

213. After nap, I feel foggy for a while. 午睡后,我会云里雾里一阵子。

214. Democracy is the defining issue of our time. 民主我们这个时代最强的诉求。define 定义,区别事物最重要的证据。

215. or what 美国人喜欢在句末用这个词组。Are we good friends or what 我们可不是好朋友?Are you going or what 你到底去不去?

216. Wedge本意为“楔子”,口语意为“不和”。

As long as there is a wedge between them, they cannot work together on this project. 只要他们之间有嫌隙,他们就不能在这个项目上进行合作。

drive a wedge between 挑起谁与谁之间的不和

Frank had to travel a lot and this finally drove a wedge between him and his wife.弗兰克必须经常旅行,这终于导致了他和妻子间的矛盾。

Her mother-in-law drove a wedge between her and her husband.他的岳母在他和妻子间挑拨离间。

217. I feel so unloved and alone. Last year, when my dad died, I hit bottom. 我感觉不到有人爱我,很是孤独。去年我父亲去世后,我就感到万念俱灰。hit bottom 感到绝望,痛苦得不能再痛苦了,差到极限了。When a students grades hit bottom it is time to hit the books. 当一个学生门门课都考得一塌糊涂时,他就该看看书了吧。hit bottom的延伸说法:hit rock bottom,绝望透顶。

类似的说法还有,hit the wall: Weve just about hit the wall in terms of what we can do to balance the budget.“在平衡预算方案一事上,我们现在已经是束手无策。”

218. A husband should not twist his wife’s arm to do his will. 警察抓人就喜欢把人的手拧到背后,这就是twist one’s arm, 也就是“强行”的意思。“做丈夫的不应该把自己的意志强加给妻子。”

219. What bugged me, though, was that she blamed me! bug 本意为虫子,口语里有另外两个意思,一是 令人讨厌,就像一个虫子一样,这句话里的bug就是这个意思。She keeps bugging me.她老是烦我。还一个意思是“窃听”。National Security guys bug me all the time. 国家安-全局的那几个家伙老是窃听我的电话。这句话也可以这么说:Those guys like to eavesdrop on ordinary Chinese citizens. 这些家伙窃听普通中国公民上了瘾。Those guys developed a program to rapidly monitor the phone calls and other communications of people.那些家伙开发了一种程序能迅速监控人们的电话和其它通讯往来。

220. Kickoff, 开始 He kicked off his White House campaign yesterday.他昨天正式开始了竞选美国总统。


