来源: 环球网校 2019-10-12 10:09:52 频道: 实用英语

121. Close but no cigar. 差不多就答对了,但尚不能获奖。(大概是答对了就会奖励一支雪茄吧)同样的结构有Thanks but no thanks.如果你谢绝别人要给你提供的帮助或东西时,你可以这么说,“谢谢,但不需要。”

122. three strikes, you are out. 这是一句棒球语,但也开始用在日常生活中,往往意思为:“如果你犯三次,就把你开除。”好些年前,美国曾讨论一个叫“three strikes law”,又叫“habitual offender laws”,该法律主要是针对那些刑事犯罪惯犯,如果一连犯了三次重罪,刑期就得自动延长,甚至是终生监禁,有点中国“严-打”的味道,但也有人指出这法律不合宪法,因为宪法中规定,一罪不二罚。

123. The returns are good but the stakes are high. 回报诱人,但风险极高。

124. Every year, four hundred Americans die from heat stroke. Heat stroke就是中暑,今年中暑的人特别多。

125. I need some back-up from you. 我需要你的支持。Support是书面语,backup是口语。Police: I need backup, I need backup.请求支援,请求支援。Back off, 让开。

126. get out of here. 直接的意思是,滚到一边去吧。也可以意为:得了吧。如果你不同别人的话,也可这么说。

127. I am pulling an all-nighter. 熬夜

128. Let me get my head around this. 让我把这件事想清楚。

129. you need to get your head straight. 你得头脑清醒清醒。

130. the sticks,这里的sticks 是“树林,深林”的意思。He is a guy in the sticks, how could you expect him to know that? 他住深山老林,他怎么可能知道这事?stick-thin, 或者 as thin as a stick 骨瘦如柴 I remember her as a stick-thin teenager. 我的记忆里,她是个骨瘦如柴的青少年。比较:out of the woods脱离深林,意即“脱离危险”。

131. Streamliner 高速列车,我国最近开通的D字头车就可称为streamliner,另一个词是子弹头车bullet train,赛车也可以说是streamlined cars;

132. I try to fix Michael up with my sister’s classmate Mary. 我想要撮合Michael与我妹妹的同学Mary成一对。

133. One for the books 值得记一笔的事件,难以置信的事件。

134. You should bypass the mind and go straight to the bloodstream of your listeners. 你不要跟听众讲大道理,而应该直接去打动他们的心。 Or say: go straight to their gut feeling

135. Many Chinese people like to play devil’s advocate in politics. 许多中国人最喜欢在讨论政治时唱反调。play devil’s advocate就是“抬杠”的意思。

136. I don’t like his devil-may-care attitude. 我不喜欢他那毫不在乎的态度

137. “恶搞”如何说?spoof, spoofing attack, “When a good product gets spoofed, that is too bad.”

138. "I wouldn’t vote for him for dogcatcher" or "He couldn’t run for dogcatcher in this country". Dogcatcher 捕狗员,如有流浪狗在街上,捕狗员的工作就是抓这些狗,这是最低贱的活了。“连捕狗员我都不会选他去当。”(实际意思是:他又如何可以竞选当县长?)

139. 出血大甩卖deep discount, blowout sale, 清仓大甩卖closing sale, clearance sale, 减价 on sale, slashed by half,

140. Turnoff, 本意是“关灯”,如果一个人一来就关灯,这个人就是“turnoff”(扫兴): One of the girls’ biggest turn-offs is guys who are indecisive. 女孩最不喜欢的人就是那些老犹豫不决的男子。A woman who is aggressive is a turnoff to men. 什么事都抢先争赢的女人不受男人的欢迎。Zhang Yimou’s movies are always turnoffs. 张艺谋的电影都叫人看不下去。


